Z-Way Manual

Command Class Reference

Command Classes are groups of wireless commands that allow using certain functions of a Z-Wave device. In Z-Way each Z-Wave device has a data holder entry for each Command Class supported. During the inclusion and interview of the device the Command Class structure is instantiated in the data holder and filled with certain data. Command Class commands change values of the corresponding data holder structure. The follow list shows the public commands of the Command Classes supported with their parameters and the data holder objects changed.

In Z-WAVE EXPERT USER INTERFACE navigate to Configuration > Expert Commands to execute commands of the supported Command Classes and visualizes all data holder elements in as tree in a simplified user interface.

Command Class Basic (0x20/32)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

The Basic Command Class is the wildcard command class. Almost all Z-Wave devices support this command class but they interpret it's commands in different ways. A thermostat will handle a Basic Set Command in a different way than a Dimmer but both accept the Basic Set command and act. Used for generic interoperability between devices. You should always use more specific Command Classes where possible.

Data holders:

Command Basic Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_basic_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Basic Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command Basic Set

Syntax: Set(value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_basic_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE value, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Basic Set
Parameter value: Value
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command Class Wakeup (0x84/132)

Version 3, Controlled

Allows to manage periodical wakeup of sleeping battery operated device. Upon wakeup device will notify one node listed in nodeId. NB! If the device can wake up by interrupt (user interaction, button press, sensor trigger), it might happen that the device never wakes up. This can happen if you wake up the device by interrupe each time before internal chip wakeup period (usually from 1 to 4 minutes) reaches. (Z-Wave chip can not count for remaining time to next wakeup, so will restart timer again). This means that strictly speaking you can not rely on long time no wake up as an indicator of lost/damaged device or battery empty. NB! To save battery it is recommended to tune wakeup period to one week or even more for devices that do only need to report battery on wakeup (remote controls). For sensors it is recommended to have at least one hour wakeup period.

Data holders:

Command Wakeup Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_wakeup_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Wakeup Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: interval and nodeId updated

Command Wakeup CapabilitiesGet

Syntax: CapabilitiesGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_wakeup_capabilities_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Wakeup CapabilityGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: min, max, default, step updated

Command Wakeup Sleep

Syntax: Sleep(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_wakeup_sleep(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Wakeup NoMoreInformation (Sleep)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: lastSleep updated

Command Wakeup Set

Syntax: Set(interval, notificationNodeId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_wakeup_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int interval, ZWNODE notification_node_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Wakeup Set
Parameter interval: Wakeup interval in seconds
Parameter notificationNodeId: Node Id to be notified about wakeup
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: interval and nodeId updated

Command Class NoOperation (0x00/0)

Used to check if device is reachable by sending empty packet.

Command Class Battery (0x80/128)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows monitoring the battery charging level of a device.

Data holders:

Command Battery Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_battery_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Battery Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: last updated. lastChange updated if battery level is way higher than it was before, history updated if reached next 10% step

Command Class ManufacturerSpecific (0x72/114)

Version 2, Supported and Controlled

Reports vendor information, product type and ID and device serial number.

Data holders:

Command ManufacturerSpecific Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_manufacturer_specific_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ManufacturerSpecific Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command ManufacturerSpecific DeviceIdGet

Syntax: DeviceIdGet(type, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_manufacturer_specific_device_id_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE type, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ManufacturerSpecific Device Id Get
Parameter type: Device Id type to request
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Proprietary (0x88/136)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to transfer manufacturer proprietary data. Data format is manufacturer specific.

Data holders:

Command Proprietary Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_proprietary_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Proprietary Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Proprietary Set

Syntax: Set(data, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_proprietary_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * data, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Proprietary Set
Parameter data: Data to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Configuration (0x70/112)

Version 4, Controlled

Used to set certian configuration valeus that change the behavior of the device. Z-Wave requires that every device works out of the box without further configuration. However different configuration value significantly enhance the value a device. Z-Wave does not provide any information about the configuration values by wireless commands. User have to look into the device manual to learn about configuration parameters. The Device Description Record (ZDDX), incoprotated by Z-Way gives information about valid parameters and the meaning of the values to be set.

Data holders:

Command Configuration Get

Syntax: Get(parameter, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_configuration_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, unsigned short int parameter, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Configuration Get
Parameter parameter: Parameter number
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: parameter subtree updated or created if absent

Command Configuration Set

Syntax: Set(parameter, value, size = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_configuration_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, unsigned short int parameter, int value, ZWBYTE size, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Configuration Set
Parameter parameter: Parameter number
Parameter value: Value to be sent (negative and positive values are accepted, but will be stripped to size)
Parameter size: Size of the value (1, 2 or 4 bytes). Use 0 to guess from previously reported value if any. 0 means use size previously obtained Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: parameter subtree updated or created if absent

Command Configuration SetDefault

Syntax: SetDefault(parameter, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_configuration_set_default(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, unsigned short int parameter, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Configuration SetDefault
Parameter parameter: Parameter number to be set to device default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: parameter subtree updated or created if absent

Command Configuration DefaultReset

Syntax: DefaultReset(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_configuration_default_reset(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Configuration DefaultReset
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: parameter subtree updated or created if absent

Command Class SensorBinary (0x30/48)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows receive binary sensor states.

Data holders:

Command SensorBinary Get

Syntax: Get(sensorType = -1, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sensor_binary_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int sensorType, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SensorBinary Get
Parameter sensorType: Type of sensor to query information for. 0xFF to query information for the first available sensor type. -1 to query information for all supported sensor types
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: sensorType subtree updated

Command Class Association (0x85/133)

Version 2, Supported and Controlled

Allows to manage the association groups: adding and removing nodeIDs in the association groups.

Data holders:

Command Association Get

Syntax: Get(groupId = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Association Get
Parameter groupId: Group Id (from 1 to 255). 0 requests all groups
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Subtree corresponding to the group updated

Command Association Set

Syntax: Set(groupId, includeNode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group_id, ZWNODE include_node, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Association Set (Add)
Parameter groupId: Group Id (from 1 to 255)
Parameter includeNode: Node to be added to the group
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Subtree corresponding to the group updated

Command Association Remove

Syntax: Remove(groupId, excludeNode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_remove(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group_id, ZWNODE exclude_node, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Association Remove
Parameter groupId: Group Id (from 1 to 255)
Parameter excludeNode: Node to be removed from the group
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Subtree corresponding to the group updated

Command Association GroupingsGet

Syntax: GroupingsGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_groupings_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Association GroupingsGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Update number of supported groups and interview all groups

Command Class Meter (0x32/50)

Version 4, Controlled

Allows to read different kind of meters. Z-Wave differentiates different meter types and different meter scales. Please refer to the file translations/Scales.xml for details about possible meter types and values.

Data holders:

Command Meter Get

Syntax: Get(scale = -1, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int scale, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Meter Get
Parameter scale: Desired scale. -1 for all scales
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: scale subtree updated

Command Meter Reset

Syntax: Reset(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_reset(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Meter Reset
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: scale subtree updated

Command Meter Supported

Syntax: Supported(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_supported(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Meter SupportedGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Meter Pulse (0x35/53)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to gather information from pulse meters.

Data holders:

Command MeterPulse Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_pulse_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MeterPulse Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class SensorMultilevel (0x31/49)

Version 11, Controlled

Allows to read different kind of sensor. Z-Wave differentiates different sensor types and different scales of this sensor. Please refer to the file /translations/scales.xml for details about possible sensor types and values.

Data holders:

Command SensorMultilevel Get

Syntax: Get(sensorType = -1, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sensor_multilevel_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int sensor_type, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SensorMultilevel Get
Parameter sensorType: Type of sensor to be requested. -1 means all sensor types supported by the device
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: sensorTypeId subtree updated

Command Class Sensor Configuration (0x9E/158)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to configure senors specific configuration like trigger level. Works in conjunction with SensorMultilevel Command Class. In modern devices replaced by Configuration Command Class.

Data holders:

Command SensorConfiguration Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sensor_configuration_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SensorConfiguration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: all dataholders are updated

Command SensorConfiguration Set

Syntax: Set(mode, value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sensor_configuration_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE mode, float value, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SensorConfiguration Set
Parameter mode: Value set mode
Parameter value: Value
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: all dataholders are updated

Command Class SwitchAll (0x27/39)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Controls the behavior of a actuator on Switch All commands. Also allows to send Switch All commands.

Data holders:

Command SwitchAll Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_all_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchAll Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode updated

Command SwitchAll Set

Syntax: Set(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_all_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE mode, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchAll Set
Parameter mode: SwitchAll Mode: see definitions below
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode updated

Command SwitchAll SetOn

Syntax: SetOn(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_all_set_on(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchAll Set On
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SwitchAll SetOff

Syntax: SetOff(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_all_set_off(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchAll Set Off
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class SwitchBinary (0x25/37)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Allows to control On/Off switches, actuators, electrical power switches and trap On/Off control commands from other devices.

Data holders:

Command SwitchBinary Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_binary_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchBinary Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command SwitchBinary Set

Syntax: Set(value, duration = 0xff, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_binary_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBOOL value, ZWBYTE duration, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchBinary Set
Parameter value: Value
Parameter duration: Duration of change:. 0 instantly. 0x01...0x7f in seconds. 0x80...0xfe in minutes mapped to 1...127 (value 0x80=128 is 1 minute). 0xff use device factory default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command Class SwitchMultilevel (0x26/38)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Allows to control all actuators with multilevel switching functions, primarily Dimmers and Motor Controlling devices as well as trap dim events sent by remotes.

Data holders:

Command SwitchMultilevel Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_multilevel_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchMultilevel Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command SwitchMultilevel Set

Syntax: Set(level, duration = 0xff, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_multilevel_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE level, ZWBYTE duration, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchMultilevel Set
Parameter level: Level to be set
Parameter duration: Duration of change:. 0 instantly. 0x01...0x7f in seconds. 0x80...0xfe in minutes mapped to 1...127 (value 0x80=128 is 1 minute). 0xff use device factory default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command SwitchMultilevel StartLevelChange

Syntax: StartLevelChange(dir, duration = 0xff, ignoreStartLevel = TRUE, startLevel = 50, incdec = 0, step = 0xff, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_multilevel_start_level_change(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE dir, ZWBYTE duration, ZWBOOL ignoreStartLevel, ZWBYTE startLevel, ZWBYTE incdec, ZWBYTE step, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchMultilevel StartLevelChange
Parameter dir: Direction of change: 0 to incrase, 1 to decrase
Parameter duration: Duration of change:. 0 instantly. 0x01...0x7f in seconds. 0x80...0xfe in minutes mapped to 1...127 (value 0x80=128 is 1 minute). 0xff use device factory default
Parameter ignoreStartLevel: If set to True, device will ignore start level value and will use it's curent value
Parameter startLevel: Start level to change from
Parameter incdec: Increment/decrement type for step:. 0 Increment. 1 Decrement. 2 Reserved. 3 No Inc/Dec
Parameter step: Step to be used in level change in percentage. 0...99 mapped to 1...100%. 0xff uses device factory default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command SwitchMultilevel StopLevelChange

Syntax: StopLevelChange(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_multilevel_stop_level_change(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchMultilevel StopLevelChange
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level updated

Command Class MultiChannelAssociation (0x8E/142)

Version 3, Supported and Controlled

This is an extention to the Association Command Class. It follows the same logic as the Association Command Class and has the same commands but accepts different instance values.

Data holders:

Command MultiChannelAssociation Get

Syntax: Get(groupId = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_association_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannelAssociation Get
Parameter groupId: Group Id (from 1 to 255). 0 requests all groups
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Subtree corresponding to the group updated

Command MultiChannelAssociation Set

Syntax: Set(groupId, includeNode, includeInstance, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_association_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group_id, ZWNODE include_node, ZWBYTE include_instance, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannelAssociation Set (Add)
Parameter groupId: Group Id (from 1 to 255)
Parameter includeNode: Node to be added to the group
Parameter includeInstance: Instance of the node to be added to the group
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Subtree corresponding to the group updated

Command MultiChannelAssociation Remove

Syntax: Remove(groupId, excludeNode, excludeInstance, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_association_remove(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group_id, ZWNODE exclude_node, ZWBYTE exclude_instance, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannelAssociation Remove
Parameter groupId: Group Id (from 1 to 255)
Parameter excludeNode: Node to be removed from the group
Parameter excludeInstance: Instance of the node to be removed from the group
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Subtree corresponding to the group updated

Command MultiChannelAssociation GroupingsGet

Syntax: GroupingsGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_association_groupings_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannelAssociation GroupingsGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class MultiChannel (0x60/96)

Version 4, Supported and Controlled

Allows to communicate with internal parts of device called channels or instances. Implemented transparently by the library.

Data holders:

Command MultiChannel Get

Syntax: Get(ccId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE cc_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannel Get (MultiInstance V1 command). Reports number of channels supporting a defined Command Class. Depricated by MutliChannel V2, needed for old devices only
Parameter ccId: Command Class Id in question
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MultiChannel EndpointFind

Syntax: EndpointFind(generic, specific, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_endpoint_find(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE generic, ZWBYTE specific, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannel Endpoint Find. Note that MultiChannel EndpointFind Report is not supported as useless. But one can still trap the response packet in logs
Parameter generic: Generic type in search
Parameter specific: Specific type in search
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MultiChannel EndpointGet

Syntax: EndpointGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_endpoint_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannel Endpoint Get. Get the number of available endpoints
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MultiChannel CapabilitiesGet

Syntax: CapabilitiesGet(endpoint, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_capabilities_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE endpoint, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannel Capabilities Get. Request information about the specified endpoint
Parameter endpoint: Endpoint in question
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MultiChannel AggregatedMembersGet

Syntax: AggregatedMembersGet(endpoint, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_multichannel_aggregated_members_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE endpoint, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send MultiChannel Aggregated Members Get. Request information about endpoints in the specified aggregated endpoint (v4 and above)
Parameter endpoint: Aggregated endpoint in question
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Node Naming (0x77/119)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Allows assigning a readable string for a name and a location to a physical device. The two strings are stored inside the device and can be obtained upon request. There are no restrictions to the name except the maximum length up to 16 characters.

Data holders:

Command NodeNaming Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_node_naming_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send NodeNaming GetName and GetLocation
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: nodename, nameEncoding, location and locationEncoding updated

Command NodeNaming GetName

Syntax: GetName(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_node_naming_get_name(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send NodeNaming GetName
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: nodename and nameEncoding updated

Command NodeNaming GetLocation

Syntax: GetLocation(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_node_naming_get_location(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send NodeNaming GetLocation
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: location and locationEncoding updated

Command NodeNaming SetName

Syntax: SetName(name, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_node_naming_set_name(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWCSTR name, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send NodeNaming SetName
Parameter name: Value
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: nodename and nameEncoding updated

Command NodeNaming SetLocation

Syntax: SetLocation(location, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_node_naming_set_location(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWCSTR location, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send NodeNaming SetLocation
Parameter location: Value
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: location and locationEncoding updated

Command Class Thermostat SetPoint (0x43/67)

Version 3, Controlled

Allows to set a certain setpoint to a thermostat (set temperature to maintain). The command class can be applied to different kind of thermostats (heating, cooling, ...), hence it has various modes.

Data holders:

Command ThermostatSetPoint Get

Syntax: Get(mode = -1, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_setpoint_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int mode, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatSetPoint Get
Parameter mode: Thermostat Mode. -1 requests for all modes
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: modeId subtree updated

Command ThermostatSetPoint Set

Syntax: Set(mode, value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_setpoint_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int mode, float value, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatSetPoint Set
Parameter mode: Thermostat Mode
Parameter value: temperature
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: modeId subtree updated

Command Class Thermostat Mode (0x40/64)

Version 3, Controlled

Allows to switch a heating/cooling actuator in different modes.

Data holders:

Command ThermostatMode Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_mode_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatMode Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode updated

Command ThermostatMode Set

Syntax: Set(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_mode_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE mode, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatMode Set
Parameter mode: Thermostat Mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode updated

Command ThermostatMode SetManufacturerSpecific

Syntax: SetManufacturerSpecific(manufacturerSpecifc, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_mode_set_manufacturer_specific(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, size_t manufacturerSpecifcSize, const ZWBYTE * manufacturerSpecifc, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatMode Set Manufacturer Specific
Parameter manufacturerSpecifc: Manufacturer specific data
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode updated

Command Class Thermostat Fan Mode (0x44/68)

Version 4, Controlled

Allows to controls fan modes in thermostats.

Data holders:

Command ThermostatFanMode Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_fan_mode_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatFanMode Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode and on updated

Command ThermostatFanMode Set

Syntax: Set(on, mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_fan_mode_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBOOL on, ZWBYTE mode, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatFanMode Set
Parameter on: TRUE to turn fan on (and set mode), FALSE to comletely turn off (mode is ignored)
Parameter mode: Thermostat Fan Mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode and on updated

Command Class Thermostat Fan State (0x45/69)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows to determine the operating state of the fan. V2 is not yet implemented.

Data holders:

Command ThermostatFanState Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_fan_state_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatFanState Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: state and on updated

Command Class Thermostat Operating State (0x42/66)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows to determine the operating state of the thermostat and state change history.

Data holders:

Command ThermostatOperatingState Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_operating_state_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatOperatingState Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: state updated

Command ThermostatOperatingState LoggingGet

Syntax: LoggingGet(state, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_operating_state_logging_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE state, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatOperatingState Logging Get
Parameter state: State number to get logging for. 0 to get log for all supported states
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: stateId subtree updated updated

Command Class Thermostat SetBack (0x47/71)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to override a certain setpoint in a thermostat.

Data holders:

Command ThermostatSetBack Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_setback_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatSetBack Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: overrideType, state, val

Command ThermostatSetBack Set

Syntax: Set(overrideType, state, value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_thermostat_setback_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int overrideType, int state, float value, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ThermostatSetBack Set
Parameter overrideType: Override type (0 = No override, 1 = Temporary override, 2 = Permanent override)
Parameter state: State (1 = Temperature shift is used, 2 = Frost protection, 3 = Energy Saving, 4 = Unused)
Parameter value: temperature shift in Kelvin degree
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: overrideType, state, val updated

Command Class Alarm Sensor (0x9C/156)

Version 1, Controlled

Deprecated Command Class. Now Alarm/Notification is used instead.

Data holders:

Command AlarmSensor SupportedGet

Syntax: SupportedGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_alarm_sensor_supported_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send AlarmSensor SupportedGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: List of supported types updated

Command AlarmSensor Get

Syntax: Get(type = -1, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_alarm_sensor_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int type, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send AlarmSensor Get. Requests the status of the alarm sensor of a given type
Parameter type: Alarm type to get. -1 means get all types
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Alarm type subtree updated

Command Class Door Lock (0x62/98)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows to operate an electronic door lock. This Command Class is ALWAYS encapsulated in Security. Door lock modes are the following:.

- 0x00 Door Unsecured (Open).

- 0x01 Door Unsecured with timeout.

- 0x10 Door Unsecured for inside Door Handles.

- 0x11 Door Unsecured for inside Door Handles with timeout.

- 0x20 Door Unsecured for outside Door Handles.

- 0x21 Door Unsecured for outside Door Handles with timeout.

- 0xFE Door/Lock Mode Unknown (bolt not fully retracted/engaged).

- 0xFF Door Secured (closed).

Data holders:

Command DoorLock Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_door_lock_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send DoorLock Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode, insideHandlesMode, outsideHandlesMode, latchLocked, boltLocked, doorClosed, remainingLockTimeout, targetMode, duration updated

Command DoorLock ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_door_lock_configuration_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send DoorLock Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: operationType, outsideHandlesEnabled, insideHandlesEnabled, lockTimeout, autolockTime, holdReleaseTime, twistAssist, blockToBlock updated

Command DoorLock Set

Syntax: Set(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_door_lock_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE mode, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send DoorLock Set
Parameter mode: Lock mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: mode, insideHandlesMode, outsideHandlesMode, latchLocked, boltLocked, doorClosed, remainingLockTimeout, targetMode, duration updated

Command DoorLock ConfigurationSet

Syntax: ConfigurationSet(operationType, outsideHandlesEnabled, insideHandlesEnabled, lockTimeout, autolockTime, holdReleaseTime, twistAssist, blockToBlock, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_door_lock_configuration_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE operationType, ZWBYTE outsideHandlesEnabled, ZWBYTE insideHandlesEnabled, int lockTimeout, int autolockTime, int holdReleaseTime, ZWBOOL twistAssist, ZWBOOL blockToBlock, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send DoorLock Configuration Set
Parameter operationType: Operation type
Parameter outsideHandlesEnabled: State of outside door handle
Parameter insideHandlesEnabled: State of inside door handle
Parameter lockTimeout: Lock after a specified time if in timed operation mode (in seconds)
Parameter autolockTime: Autolock time (in seconds)
Parameter holdReleaseTime: Hold and release time (in seconds)
Parameter twistAssist: Twist assist enabled
Parameter blockToBlock: Block to block enabled
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: operationType, outsideHandlesEnabled, insideHandlesEnabled, lockTimeout, autolockTime, holdReleaseTime, twistAssist, blockToBlock updated

Command Class Door Lock Logging (0x4C/76)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to receive reports about all successful and failed activities of the electronic door lock. Event types are the following:.

- 1 Lock Command: Keypad access code verified lock command.

- 2 Unlock Command: Keypad access code verified unlock command.

- 3 Lock Command: Keypad lock button pressed.

- 4 Unlock command: Keypad unlock button pressed.

- 5 Lock Command: Keypad access code out of schedule.

- 6 Unlock Command: Keypad access code out of schedule.

- 7 Keypad illegal access code entered.

- 8 Key or latch operation locked (manual).

- 9 Key or latch operation unlocked (manual).

- 10 Auto lock operation.

- 11 Auto unlock operation.

- 12 Lock Command: Z-Wave access code verified.

- 13 Unlock Command: Z-Wave access code verified.

- 14 Lock Command: Z-Wave (no code).

- 15 Unlock Command: Z-Wave (no code).

- 16 Lock Command: Z-Wave access code out of schedule.

- 17 Unlock Command Z-Wave access code out of schedule.

- 18 Z-Wave illegal access code entered.

- 19 Key or latch operation locked (manual).

- 20 Key or latch operation unlocked (manual).

- 21 Lock secured.

- 22 Lock unsecured.

- 23 User code added.

- 24 User code deleted.

- 25 All user codes deleted.

- 26 Master code changed.

- 27 User code changed.

- 28 Lock reset.

- 29 Configuration changed.

- 30 Low battery.

- 31 New Battery installed.

Data holders:

Command DoorLockLogging Get

Syntax: Get(record = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_door_lock_logging_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE record, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send DoorLockLogging Get
Parameter record: Record number to get, or 0 to get last records
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: record subtree updated

Command Class User Code (0x63/99)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to define individual user entry code in electrnic door lock.

Data holders:

Command UserCode Get

Syntax: Get(user = -1, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, unsigned int user, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode Get
Parameter user: User index to get code for (1...maxUsers). -1 to get codes for all users
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId subtree updated

Command UserCode GetAll

Syntax: GetAll(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_get_all(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode GetAll
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: all userId subtrees updated

Command UserCode Set

Syntax: Set(user, code, status, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, unsigned int user, ZWCSTR code, ZWBYTE status, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode Set
Parameter user: User index to set code for (1...maxUsers). 0 means set for all users
Parameter code: Code to set (4...10 characters long)
Parameter status: Code status to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId subtree updated

Command UserCode SetRaw

Syntax: SetRaw(user, code, status, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_set_raw(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, unsigned int user, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * code, ZWBYTE status, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode SetRaw
Parameter user: User index to set code for (1...maxUsers). 0 means set for all users
Parameter code: Code to set (4...10 bytes long)
Parameter status: Code status to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId subtree updated

Command UserCode MasterCodeGet

Syntax: MasterCodeGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_master_code_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode MasterCodeGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: masterCode updated

Command UserCode MasterCodeSet

Syntax: MasterCodeSet(code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_master_code_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWCSTR code, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode MasterCodeSet
Parameter code: Code to set (4...10 characters long or zero length to deactivate)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: masterCode updated

Command UserCode MasterCodeSetRaw

Syntax: MasterCodeSetRaw(code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_master_code_set_raw(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * code, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode MasterCodeSet
Parameter code: Code to set (4...10 characters long or zero length to deactivate)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: masterCode updated

Command UserCode KeypadModeGet

Syntax: KeypadModeGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_keypad_mode_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode KeypadModeGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: keypadMode updated

Command UserCode KeypadModeSet

Syntax: KeypadModeSet(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_keypad_mode_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE mode, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode KeypadModeSet
Parameter mode: Keypad mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: keypadMode updated

Command UserCode ChecksumGet

Syntax: ChecksumGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_user_code_checksum_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send UserCode ChecksumGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: checksum updated

Command Class Time (0x8A/138)

Version 2, Supported and Controlled

Allows to report to devices in Z-Wave network time and date as well as time zone offset and daylight savings parameters. The data formats are based on the International Standard ISO 8601.

Command Time TimeGet

Syntax: TimeGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_time_time_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Time TimeGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Time DateGet

Syntax: DateGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_time_date_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Time DateGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Time OffsetGet

Syntax: OffsetGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_time_offset_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Time TimeOffsetGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Time Parameters (0x8B/139)

Version 1, Controlled

Used to set date and time. Time zone offset and daylight savings may be set in the Time Command Class. The data formats are based on the International Standard ISO 8601.

Command TimeParameters Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_time_parameters_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send TimeParameters Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command TimeParameters Set

Syntax: Set(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_time_parameters_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send TimeParameters Set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Clock (0x81/129)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Sync clock on the device with controller system clock.

Command Clock Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_clock_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Clock Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: reported value ignored

Command Clock Set

Syntax: Set(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_clock_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Clock Set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Scene Activation (0x2B/43)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Allows to activate scenes on devices and trap scene activation events from remotes.

Data holders:

Command SceneActivation Set

Syntax: Set(sceneId, dimmingDuration = 0xff, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_scene_activation_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE sceneId, ZWBYTE dimmingDuration, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SceneActivation Set
Parameter sceneId: Scene Id
Parameter dimmingDuration: Dimming duration
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Scene Controller Conf (0x2D/45)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to set scene Id to be activated using SceneActivation Command Class on a remote.

Data holders:

Command SceneControllerConf Get

Syntax: Get(group = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_scene_controller_conf_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SceneControllerConf Get
Parameter group: Group Id. 0 requests all groups
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: group subtree updated

Command SceneControllerConf Set

Syntax: Set(group, scene, duration = 0x0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_scene_controller_conf_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE group, ZWBYTE scene, ZWBYTE duration, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SceneControllerConf Set
Parameter group: Group Id
Parameter scene: Scene Id
Parameter duration: Duration
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: group subtree updated

Command Class Scene Actuator Conf (0x2C/44)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to configure actuators to set specified level on a given scene activation by SceneActivation Command Class.

Data holders:

Command SceneActuatorConf Get

Syntax: Get(scene = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_scene_actuator_conf_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE scene, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SceneActuatorConf Get
Parameter scene: Scene Id. 0 means get current scene
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: scene subtree updated, currentScene updated (if scene = 0)

Command SceneActuatorConf Set

Syntax: Set(scene, level, dimming = 0xff, override = TRUE, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_scene_actuator_conf_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE scene, ZWBYTE level, ZWBYTE dimming, ZWBOOL override, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SceneActuatorConf Set
Parameter scene: Scene Id
Parameter level: Level
Parameter dimming: Dimming
Parameter override: If false then the current settings in the device is associated with the Scene Id. If true then the Level value is used
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: scene subtree updated

Command Class Indicator (0x87/135)

Version 4, Supported and Controlled

Operates the indicator on the device if available. Can be used to identify a device or use the indicator for special purposes (show away/at home mode).

Data holders:

Command Indicator Get

Syntax: Get(indicatorId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_indicator_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE indicator_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Indicator Get
Parameter indicatorId: Indicator ID
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: stat updated

Command Indicator Set

Syntax: Set(indicatorId, propertyId, state, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_indicator_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE indicator_id, ZWBYTE property_id, ZWBYTE state, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Indicator Set
Parameter indicatorId: Indicator ID
Parameter propertyId: Property ID (type) of the indicator
Parameter state: Value to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: stat updated

Command Indicator SetMultiple

Syntax: SetMultiple(indicatorId, propertyIds, states, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_indicator_set_multiple(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE indicator_id, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * property_ids, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * states, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Indicator SetMultiple
Parameter indicatorId: Indicator ID
Parameter propertyIds: Property IDs (type) of the indicator
Parameter states: Values to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: stat updated

Command Indicator Identify

Syntax: Identify(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_indicator_identify(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Indicator Identify
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: stat updated

Command Class Protection (0x75/117)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows to disable local and RF control of the device.

Data holders:

Command Protection Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_protection_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Protection Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: state, rfState updated

Command Protection Set

Syntax: Set(state, rfState = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_protection_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE state, ZWBYTE rfState, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Protection Set
Parameter state: Local control protection state
Parameter rfState: RF control protection state
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: state and rfState updated

Command Protection ExclusiveGet

Syntax: ExclusiveGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_protection_exclusive_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Protection Exclusive Control Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Protection ExclusiveSet

Syntax: ExclusiveSet(controlNodeId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_protection_exclusive_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE controlNodeId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Protection Exclusive Control Set
Parameter controlNodeId: Node Id to have exclusive control over destination node
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Protection TimeoutGet

Syntax: TimeoutGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_protection_timeout_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Protection Timeout Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Protection TimeoutSet

Syntax: TimeoutSet(timeout, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_protection_timeout_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int timeout, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Protection Timeout Set
Parameter timeout: Timeout in seconds. 0 is no timer set. -1 is infinite timeout. max value is 191 minute (11460 seconds). values above 1 minute are rounded to 1 minute boundary
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Schedule Entry Lock (0x4E/78)

Version 3, Controlled

Allows to define individual time intervals for access to a door lock per user. Refers to users defined by User Code Command Class.

Data holders:

Command ScheduleEntryLock Enable

Syntax: Enable(user, enable, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_schedule_entry_lock_enable(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int user, ZWBOOL enable, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ScheduleEntryLock Enable(All)
Parameter user: User to enable/disable schedule for. 0 to enable/disable for all users
Parameter enable: TRUE to enable schedule, FALSE otherwise
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command ScheduleEntryLock WeekdayGet

Syntax: WeekdayGet(user, slot, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_schedule_entry_lock_weekday_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int user, ZWBYTE slot, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ScheduleEntryLock Weekday Get
Parameter user: User to get schedule for. 0 to get for all users
Parameter slot: Slot to get schedule for. 0 to get for all slots
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId->Weekday->slotId subtree updated

Command ScheduleEntryLock WeekdaySet

Syntax: WeekdaySet(modifyErase, user, slot, dayOfWeek, startHour, startMinute, stopHour, stopMinute, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_schedule_entry_lock_weekday_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBOOL modifyErase, int user, ZWBYTE slot, ZWBYTE dayOfWeek, ZWBYTE startHour, ZWBYTE startMinute, ZWBYTE stopHour, ZWBYTE stopMinute, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ScheduleEntryLock Weekday Set
Parameter modifyErase: TRUE if the the slot is modified, FALSE if erased
Parameter user: User to set schedule for
Parameter slot: Slot to set schedule for
Parameter dayOfWeek: Weekday number (0..6). 0 = Sunday. . 6 = Saturday
Parameter startHour: Hour when schedule starts (0..23)
Parameter startMinute: Minute when schedule starts (0..59)
Parameter stopHour: Hour when schedule stops (0..23)
Parameter stopMinute: Minute when schedule stops (0..59)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId->Weekday->slotId subtree updated

Command ScheduleEntryLock YearGet

Syntax: YearGet(user, slot, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_schedule_entry_lock_year_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int user, ZWBYTE slot, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ScheduleEntryLock Year Get
Parameter user: User to enable/disable schedule for. 0 to get for all users
Parameter slot: Slot to get schedule for. 0 to get for all slots
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId->Year->slotId subtree updated

Command ScheduleEntryLock YearSet

Syntax: YearSet(modifyErase, user, slot, startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute, stopYear, stopMonth, stopDay, stopHour, stopMinute, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_schedule_entry_lock_year_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBOOL modifyErase, int user, ZWBYTE slot, ZWBYTE startYear, ZWBYTE startMonth, ZWBYTE startDay, ZWBYTE startHour, ZWBYTE startMinute, ZWBYTE stopYear, ZWBYTE stopMonth, ZWBYTE stopDay, ZWBYTE stopHour, ZWBYTE stopMinute, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ScheduleEntryLock Year Set
Parameter modifyErase: TRUE if the the slot is modified, FALSE if erased
Parameter user: User to set schedule for
Parameter slot: Slot to set schedule for
Parameter startYear: Year in current century when schedule starts (0..99)
Parameter startMonth: Month when schedule starts (1..12)
Parameter startDay: Day when schedule starts (1..31)
Parameter startHour: Hour when schedule starts (0..23)
Parameter startMinute: Minute when schedule starts (0..59)
Parameter stopYear: Year in current century when schedule stops (0..99)
Parameter stopMonth: Month when schedule stops (1..12)
Parameter stopDay: Day when schedule stops (1..31)
Parameter stopHour: Hour when schedule stops (0..23)
Parameter stopMinute: Minute when schedule stops (0..59)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: userId->Year->slotId subtree updated

Command Class Climate Control Schedule (0x46/70)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Obsolete but still partly implemented for legacy support.

Data holders:

Command ClimateControlSchedule OverrideGet

Syntax: OverrideGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_climate_control_schedule_override_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ClimateControlSchedule Override Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command ClimateControlSchedule OverrideSet

Syntax: OverrideSet(overrideType, overrideState, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_climate_control_schedule_override_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE overrideType, ZWBYTE overrideState, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ClimateControlSchedule Override Set
Parameter overrideType: Override type to set. (0 – no override, 1 – temporary override, 2 – permanent override)
Parameter overrideState: Override state. -128 (0x80) ... -1 (0xFF): setpoint -12.8 ... -0.1 degrees. 0 (0x00): setpoint. 1 (0x01) ... 120 (0x78): setpoint +0.1 ... +12 degrees. 121 (0x79): frost protection. 122 (0x7A): energy saving. 123 (0x7B) ... 126 (0x7D): reserved. 127 (0x7F): unused
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class MeterTableMonitor (0x3D/61)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows to read historical and accumulated values in physical units from a water meter or other metering device (gas, electric etc.) and thereby enabling automatic meter reading capabilities.

Data holders:

Command MeterTableMonitor StatusDateGet

Syntax: StatusDateGet(maxResults = 0, startDate, endDate, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_table_monitor_status_date_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE maxResults, time_t startDate, time_t endDate, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send StatusTableMonitor Status Get for a range of dates
Parameter maxResults: Maximum number of entries to get from log. 0 means all matching entries
Parameter startDate: Start date and time (local UNIX time)
Parameter endDate: End date and time (local UNIX time)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MeterTableMonitor StatusDepthGet

Syntax: StatusDepthGet(maxResults = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_table_monitor_status_depth_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE maxResults, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send StatusTableMonitor Status Get for specified depth
Parameter maxResults: Number of entries to get from log. 0 means current status only. 0xFF means all entries
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MeterTableMonitor CurrentDataGet

Syntax: CurrentDataGet(setId = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_table_monitor_current_data_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE setId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send StatusTableMonitor Current Data Get
Parameter setId: Index of dataset to get data for. 0 to get data for all supported datasets
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command MeterTableMonitor HistoricalDataGet

Syntax: HistoricalDataGet(setId = 0, maxResults = 0, startDate, endDate, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_meter_table_monitor_historical_data_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE setId, ZWBYTE maxResults, time_t startDate, time_t endDate, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send StatusTableMonitor Historical Data Get
Parameter setId: Index of dataset to get data for. 0 to get data for all supported datasets
Parameter maxResults: Maximum number of entries to get from log. 0 means all matching entries
Parameter startDate: Start date and time (local UNIX time)
Parameter endDate: End date and time (local UNIX time)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Alarm (0x71/113)

Version 5, Controlled

Also known as Notification Command Class. Used to report alarm events from binary sensors. Starting from version 3 all types are strictly defines:.

- 0x01 Smoke.

- 0x02 CO.

- 0x03 CO2.

- 0x04 Heat.

- 0x05 Water.

- 0x06 Access Control.

- 0x07 Burglar.

- 0x08 Power Management.

- 0x09 System.

- 0x0a Emergency.

- 0x0b Clock.

Data holders:

Command Alarm Get

Syntax: Get(type = 0, event = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_alarm_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE type, ZWBYTE event, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Alarm Get. Requests the status of a specific event of a specific alarm type
Parameter type: Type of alarm to get level for. 0 to get level for all supported alarms (v2 and higher). 0xFF to get level for first supported alarm (v2 and higher)
Parameter event: Notification event to get level for. This argument is ignored prior to Notification v3. Must be 0 if type is 0xFF
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Alarm type subtree updated

Command Alarm Set

Syntax: Set(type, level, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_alarm_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE type, ZWBYTE level, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Alarm Set (v2 and higher). Enable/disable alarms of a specific type
Parameter type: Type of alarm to set level for
Parameter level: Level to set (0x0 = off, 0xFF = on, other values are reserved)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Alarm type subtree updated

Command Class PowerLevel (0x73/115)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Used to set device power level and to test the link to a other devices in the network.

Data holders:

Command PowerLevel Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_power_level_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send PowerLevel Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level and timeout updated

Command PowerLevel Set

Syntax: Set(level, timeout, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_power_level_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE level, ZWBYTE timeout, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send PowerLevel Set
Parameter level: Power level to set (from 0 to 9)
Parameter timeout: Timeout in seconds
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: level and timeout updated

Command PowerLevel TestNodeGet

Syntax: TestNodeGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_power_level_test_node_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send PowerLevel Test Node Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: subtree with report for the given node updated

Command PowerLevel TestNodeSet

Syntax: TestNodeSet(testNodeId, level, frameCount, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_power_level_test_node_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE testNodeId, ZWBYTE level, int frameCount, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send PowerLevel Test Node Set. Starts sending specified number of NOP packets to a given device at a given power level. Once finished, unsolicited report MIGHT be sent by the device (at any time you can use TestNodeGet)
Parameter testNodeId: Node to set test packets to
Parameter level: Power level to use (from 0 to 9)
Parameter frameCount: Number of test frames to send (from 1 to 65535)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: subtree with report for the given node updated

Command Class Z-Wave Plus Info (0x5E/94)

Version 2, Supported and Controlled

Describes device Z-Wave Plus role and type.

Data holders:

Command ZWavePlusInfo Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_zwave_plus_info_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send ZWave+ Info Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Firmware Update (0x7A/122)

Version 7, Supported and Controlled

Allows to update firmware of the device (OTA, Over-The-Air upgrade).

Data holders:

Command FirmwareUpdate Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_firmware_update_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Firmware Metadata Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: upgradeable, firmwareCount, updateStatus, manufacturerId, manufacturerId, firmwareId, firmware[n], checksum updated

Command FirmwareUpdate Perform

Syntax: Perform(manufacturerId, firmwareId, firmwareTarget, data, delayActivation = FALSE, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_firmware_update_perform(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int manufacturerId, int firmwareId, ZWBYTE firmwareTarget, size_t length, const ZWBYTE * data, ZWBOOL delayActivation, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Firmware Update Request Get. On process start Z-Way sets fragmentCount:. devices.N.instances.0.commandClasses.122.data.fragmentCount = 3073 (0x00000c01). Then it asks the device to start the process. The device can refuse it (i.e. if local confirmation timed out). If confirmed, the device will send us a report with adjusted fragment size (if it wants Z-Way to send by smaller packets) and report "Ready" (updateStatus = 255, see below). devices.N.instances.0.commandClasses.122.data.updateStatus = 255 (0x000000ff). devices.N.instances.0.commandClasses.122.data.fragmentCount = 3277 (0x00000ccd). At this point fragmentTransmitted == 0. devices.N.instances.0.commandClasses.122.data.fragmentTransmitted =0. Then device starts asking Z-Way for different packets. Z-Way will update fragmentTransmitted to allow track the process. Once done (fragmentCount == fragmentTransmitted), the device will send again a report if the flashing was successful. updateStatus contains the status: checksum error = 0, assemble error = 1, success, restart manually = 254, success, automatic restart = 255. waitTime refers to the time device will take to reboot. devices.N.instances.0.commandClasses.122.data.updateStatus = 255 (0x000000ff). devices.N.instances.0.commandClasses.122.data.waitTime = 5 (0x00000005)
Parameter manufacturerId: Manufacturer Id (2 bytes)
Parameter firmwareId: Firmware Id (2 bytes)
Parameter firmwareTarget: Firmware target number (0 for main chip, 1..255 for additional chips). Used only for CC v3 and above
Parameter data: Firmware image data in binary format (use hex2bin to convert from Intel Hex)
Parameter delayActivation: Set to TRUE to delay the activation of the uploaded firmware. Use zway_cc_firmware_update_activation_set to initiate the activation
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: updateStatus, updateStatusStr, waitTime, fragmentData, fragmentCount, fragmentTransmitted updated

Command FirmwareUpdate Activation

Syntax: Activation(manufacturerId, firmwareId, firmwareTarget, data, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_firmware_update_activation(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int manufacturerId, int firmwareId, ZWBYTE firmwareTarget, size_t length, const ZWBYTE * data, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Firmware Update Activation Set. Apply previously loaded firmware
Parameter manufacturerId: Manufacturer Id (2 bytes)
Parameter firmwareId: Firmware Id (2 bytes)
Parameter firmwareTarget: Firmware target number (0 for main chip, 1..255 for additional chips). Used only for CC v3 and above
Parameter data: Firmware image data in binary format (use hex2bin to convert from Intel Hex). This data is used to calculate (again) the CRC of the image and send it to the device to specify which firmware update to activate
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: activationStatus, activationStatusStr updated

Command FirmwareUpdate Prepare

Syntax: Prepare(manufacturerId, firmwareId, firmwareTarget, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_firmware_update_prepare(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, int manufacturerId, int firmwareId, ZWBYTE firmwareTarget, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Firmware Update Prepare Set. Fetch the firmware from the device
Parameter manufacturerId: Manufacturer Id (2 bytes)
Parameter firmwareId: Firmware Id (2 bytes)
Parameter firmwareTarget: Firmware target number (0 for main chip, 1..255 for additional chips). Used only for CC v3 and above
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: prepareStatus, prepareStatusStr updated

Command FirmwareUpdate Abandon

Syntax: Abandon(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_firmware_update_abandon(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Abandon an ongoing Firmware Update process. Stop responding to an ongoing update process and erase the firmware data prepared for the update. This call is executed synchroneously and does not fire success/failure callbacks
Parameter successCallback: Not used
Parameter failureCallback: Not used
Report: updateStatus, updateStatusStr, fragmentData, fragmentCount, fragmentTransmitted updated

Command Class Association Group Information (0x59/89)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Describes association groups defined by Association Command Class and command sent to group members.

Data holders:

Command AssociationGroupInformation GetInfo

Syntax: GetInfo(groupId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_group_information_get_info(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE groupId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send AGI Get Info
Parameter groupId: Group Id to get info for (0 for all groups)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command AssociationGroupInformation GetName

Syntax: GetName(groupId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_group_information_get_name(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE groupId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send AGI Get Name
Parameter groupId: Group Id to get info for (0 for all groups)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command AssociationGroupInformation GetCommands

Syntax: GetCommands(groupId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_association_group_information_get_commands(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE groupId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send AGI Get Commands
Parameter groupId: Group Id to get info for (0 for all groups)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class SwitchColor (0x33/51)

Version 3, Controlled

Allows to control color for multicolor lights including LED bulbs and LED strips. Device reports it's capabilities:.

- 0 Warm White (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 1 Cold White (0x00:...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 2 Red (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 3 Green (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 4 Blue (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 5 Amber (for 6ch Color mixing) (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 6 Cyan (for 6ch Color mixing) (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 7 Purple (for 6ch Color mixing) (0x00...0xFF: 0...100%).

- 8 Indexed Color (0x00...0x0FF: Color Index 0...255).

Data holders:

Command SwitchColor Get

Syntax: Get(capabilityId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_color_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE capabilityId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchColor Get
Parameter capabilityId: Capability Id
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SwitchColor Set

Syntax: Set(capabilityId, state, duration = 0xff, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_color_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE capabilityId, ZWBYTE state, ZWBYTE duration, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchColor Set
Parameter capabilityId: Capability Id
Parameter state: State to be set for the capability
Parameter duration: Duration of change:. 0 instantly. 0x01...0x7f in seconds. 0x80...0xfe in minutes mapped to 1...127 (value 0x80=128 is 1 minute). 0xff use device factory default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SwitchColor SetMultiple

Syntax: SetMultiple(capabilityIds, states, duration = 0xff, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_color_set_multiple(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * capabilityIds, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * states, ZWBYTE duration, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchColor SetMultiple
Parameter capabilityIds: Array of capabilities to set
Parameter states: Array of state values to be set for the capabilities
Parameter duration: Duration of change:. 0 instantly. 0x01...0x7f in seconds. 0x80...0xfe in minutes mapped to 1...127 (value 0x80=128 is 1 minute). 0xff use device factory default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SwitchColor StartStateChange

Syntax: StartStateChange(capabilityId, dir, duration = 0xff, ignoreStartLevel = TRUE, startLevel = 50, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_color_start_state_change(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE capabilityId, ZWBYTE dir, ZWBYTE duration, ZWBOOL ignoreStartLevel, ZWBYTE startLevel, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchColor StartStateChange
Parameter capabilityId: Capability Id to start changing state for
Parameter dir: Direction of change: 0 to incrase, 1 to decrase
Parameter duration: Duration of change:. 0 instantly. 0x01...0x7f in seconds. 0x80...0xfe in minutes mapped to 1...127 (value 0x80=128 is 1 minute). 0xff use device factory default
Parameter ignoreStartLevel: If set to True, device will ignore start level value and will use it's curent value
Parameter startLevel: Start level to change from
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SwitchColor StopStateChange

Syntax: StopStateChange(capabilityId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_switch_color_stop_state_change(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE capabilityId, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SwitchColor StopStateChange
Parameter capabilityId: Capability Id to stop changing state for
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class SoundSwitch (0x79/121)

Version 2, Controlled

Allows to play tones and configure volume.

Data holders:

Command SoundSwitch TonePlayGet

Syntax: TonePlayGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sound_switch_tone_play_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SoundSwitch TonePlayGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SoundSwitch TonePlaySet

Syntax: TonePlaySet(toneId, volume = 0x00, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sound_switch_tone_play_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE toneId, ZWBYTE volume, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SoundSwitch TonePlaySet
Parameter toneId: Tone Id. 1...254 tone Id. 255 play default tone
Parameter volume: Tone volume:. 0 use default. 1...100 specific volume. 255 last used volume
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SoundSwitch ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sound_switch_configuration_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SoundSwitch ConfigurationGet
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command SoundSwitch ConfigurationSet

Syntax: ConfigurationSet(toneId, volume = 0x00, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_sound_switch_configuration_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE toneId, ZWBYTE volume, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SoundSwitch ConfigurationSet
Parameter toneId: Tone Id. 1...254 tone Id. 255 play default tone
Parameter volume: Tone volume:. 0 use default. 1...100 specific volume. 255 last used volume
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class BarrierOperator (0x66/102)

Version 1, Controlled

Allows to control barriers and garage doors as well as their signal lamps.

Data holders:

Command BarrierOperator Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_barrier_operator_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send BarrierOperator Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command BarrierOperator Set

Syntax: Set(state, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_barrier_operator_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE state, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send BarrierOperator Set
Parameter state: State to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command BarrierOperator SignalGet

Syntax: SignalGet(signalType, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_barrier_operator_signal_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE signalType, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send BarrierOperator Signal Get
Parameter signalType: Signal subsystem type to get state for
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command BarrierOperator SignalSet

Syntax: SignalSet(signalType, state, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_barrier_operator_signal_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE signalType, ZWBYTE state, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send BarrierOperator Signal Set
Parameter signalType: Signal subsystem type to set state for
Parameter state: State to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class SimpleAVControl (0x94/148)

Version 4, Supported and Controlled

Allows to control A/V devices.

Data holders:

Command SimpleAVControl Set

Syntax: Set(keyAttribute, avCommand, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_simple_av_control_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE keyAttribute, unsigned int avCommand, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send SimpleAVControl Set
Parameter keyAttribute: 0 for key Down, 1 for key Up, 2 for key Alive (repeated every 100...200 ms)
Parameter avCommand: Command to be sent. One of 465 predefined in Z-Wave protocol
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Security (0x98/152)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library. There are no functions to execute.

Data holders:

Command Security Inject

Syntax: Inject(data, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_security_inject(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * data, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Security Inject
Parameter data: Data to set
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class SecurityS2 (0x9F/159)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library. There are no functions to execute.

Data holders:

Command SecurityS2 Inject

Syntax: Inject(data, keyClass, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_security_s2_inject(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE length, const ZWBYTE * data, ZWBYTE keyClass, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Security S2 Inject
Parameter data: Data to set
Parameter keyClass: Security S2 key class
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class EntryControl (0x6F/111)

Version 1, Controlled

Receive codes from entry control devices like security panels.

Data holders:

Command EntryControl ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_entry_control_configuration_get(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Request keyCacheSize and keyCacheTimeout
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command EntryControl ConfigurationSet

Syntax: ConfigurationSet(keyCacheSize, keyCacheTimeout, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zway_cc_entry_control_configuration_set(ZWay zway, ZWNODE node_id, ZWBYTE instance_id, ZWBYTE keyCacheSize, ZWBYTE keyCacheTimeout, ZJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set keyCacheSize and keyCacheTimeout
Parameter keyCacheSize: Key cache size before sending to the controller
Parameter keyCacheTimeout: Key cache timeout before sending to the controller, in seconds
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Command Class Hail (0x82/130)

Version 1, Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library to trap unsolicited reports via Hail in legacy devices.

Data holders:

Command Class CRC16 (0x56/86)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library to use better 16 bits packet checksum. There are no functions to execute.

Data holders:

Command Class MultiCmd (0x8F/143)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library to save battery life time. There are no functions to execute.

Data holders:

Command Class Supervision (0x6C/108)

Version 2, Supported and Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library to guarantee delivery report on every command (even on Set). There are no functions to execute.

Data holders:

Command Class Application Status (0x22/34)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

This Command Class is transparently implemented in the library to retry on device Busy report. There are no functions to execute.

Command Class Version (0x86/134)

Version 2, Supported and Controlled

Allows to get version of each Command Class supported by the device as well as firmware version.

Data holders:

Command Class DeviceResetLocally (0x5A/90)

Version 1, Supported and Controlled

Reports to the controller that device was resetted locally (using local button operation).

Data holders:

Command Class Central Scene (0x5B/91)

Version 3, Supported and Controlled

Allows to receive central controller oriented scene actions. Scenes are triggered by pushing a button on a remote control or wall controller. Note that Z-Way supports only V1, but in most cases you don't need it to be enabled in the NIF. Controlled version is V3.

Data holders: