Z-Way Manual

Clusters Reference

Clusteres are groups of wireless commands that allow using certain functions of a Zigbee device. In Z-Way each Zigbee device has a data holder entry for each Cluster supported. During the inclusion and interview of the device the Cluster structure is instantiated in the data holder and filled with certain data. Cluster commands change values of the corresponding data holder structure. The follow list shows the public commands of the Clusters supported with their parameters and the data holder objects changed.

In ZIGBEE EXPERT USER INTERFACE navigate to Configuration > Expert Commands to execute commands of the supported Clusters and visualizes all data holder elements in as tree in a simplified user interface.

Cluster Class Node Descriptor Request (0x0002/2)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The Node_Desc_req command is generated from a local device wishing to inquire. as to the node descriptor of a remote device. This command shall be unicast either. to the remote device itself or to an alternative device that contains the discovery. information of the remote device.

Cluster NodeDescriptorRequest Run

Syntax: Run(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_node_descriptor_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Node Descriptor Request
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: Node Descriptor updated and called Active_EP_req

Cluster Class Active EndPoints Request (0x0005/5)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The Active_EP_req command is generated from a local device wishing to acquire. the list of endpoints on a remote device with simple descriptors. This command. shall be unicast either to the remote device itself or to an alternative device that. contains the discovery information of the remote device.

Cluster ActiveEndPointsRequest Run

Syntax: Run(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_active_endpoints_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Active EndPoints Request
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed
Report: list of EndPoints updated and called Simple_Desc_req for each EndPoint

Cluster Class Simple Descriptor Request (0x0004/4)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The Simple_Desc_req command is generated from a local device wishing to. inquire as to the simple descriptor of a remote device on a specified endpoint. This. command shall be unicast either to the remote device itself or to an alternative. device that contains the discovery information of the remote device.

Cluster SimpleDescriptorRequest Run

Syntax: Run(newEndpointId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_simple_descriptor_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE new_endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Simple Descriptor Request
Parameter newEndpointId: Inquired EndPoint Id
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class End Device Announce (0x0013/19)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The End_Device_annce is provided to enable Zigbee end devices on the network. to notify other Zigbee devices that the end device has joined or re-joined the. network, identifying the end devices 64-bit IEEE address and new 16-bit. NWKaddress and informing the Remote Devices of the capability of the Zigbee. EndDevice. The destination addressing on this primitive is broadcast to all. devices.

Cluster EndDeviceAnnounce Run

Syntax: Run(ieee, capability, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_end_device_announce(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, const ZBEUI64 ieee, ZWBYTE capability, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: End Device Announce
Parameter ieee: IEEE address for Local Device
Parameter capability: Capability of the local device
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Bind Request (0x0021/33)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The End_Device_annce is provided to enable Zigbee end devices on the network. to notify other Zigbee devices that the end device has joined or re-joined the. network, identifying the end devices 64-bit IEEE address and new 16-bit. NWKaddress and informing the Remote Devices of the capability of the Zigbee. EndDevice. The destination addressing on this primitive is broadcast to all. devices.

Cluster BindRequest ByGroupAddr

Syntax: ByGroupAddr(srcAddress, srcEndpointId, clusterId, groupAddr, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_bind_request_by_group_addr(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, const ZBEUI64 src_address, ZWBYTE src_endpoint_id, ZWWORD cluster_id, ZWWORD group_addr, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Bind By Group Address
Parameter srcAddress: The IEEE address for the source
Parameter srcEndpointId: The source endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter clusterId: The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination
Parameter groupAddr: The destination address for the binding entry
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster BindRequest DeviceToDeviceById

Syntax: DeviceToDeviceById(srcEndpointId, clusterId, dstNodeId, dstEndpointId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_bind_request_device_to_device_by_id(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE src_endpoint_id, ZWWORD cluster_id, ZBNWK dst_node_id, ZWBYTE dst_endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Bind Device to Device By Id
Parameter srcEndpointId: The source endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter clusterId: The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination
Parameter dstNodeId: Destination Node Id
Parameter dstEndpointId: The destination endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster BindRequest ByIeee

Syntax: ByIeee(srcAddress, srcEndpointId, clusterId, dstAddr, dstEndpointId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_bind_request_by_ieee(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, const ZBEUI64 src_address, ZWBYTE src_endpoint_id, ZWWORD cluster_id, const ZBEUI64 dst_addr, ZWBYTE dst_endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Bind By IEEE
Parameter srcAddress: The IEEE address for the source
Parameter srcEndpointId: The source endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter clusterId: The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination
Parameter dstAddr: The destination address for the binding entry
Parameter dstEndpointId: It is the destination endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster BindRequest ToLocalDeviceByDeviceId

Syntax: ToLocalDeviceByDeviceId(srcEndpointId, clusterId, dstEndpointId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_bind_request_to_local_device_by_device_id(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE src_endpoint_id, ZWWORD cluster_id, ZWBYTE dst_endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Bind By Device Id
Parameter srcEndpointId: The source endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter clusterId: The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination
Parameter dstEndpointId: It is the destination endpoint for the binding entry
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Power Descriptor Request (0x0003/3)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The Power_Desc_req command is generated from a local device wishing to inquire. as to the power descriptor of a remote device. This command shall be unicast. either to the remote device itself or. to an alternative device that contains the discovery information of the remote device.

Cluster PowerDescriptorRequest Run

Syntax: Run(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_descriptor_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Descriptor Request
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Network Address Request (0x0000/0)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The NWK_addr_req is generated from a Local Device wishing to inquire as to the. 16 bit address of the Remote Device based on its known IEEE address. The. destination addressing on this command shall be broadcast to all RxOnWhenIdle. devices.

Cluster NetworkAddressRequest Run

Syntax: Run(ieee, requestType, startIndex, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_network_address_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, const ZBEUI64 ieee, ZWBYTE request_type, ZWBYTE start_index, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Network Address Request
Parameter ieee: The IEEE address to be matched by the Remote Device
Parameter requestType: Request Type for this command:. 0x00 - Single device response. 0x01 - Extended response. 0x02...0xFF - Reserved
Parameter startIndex: If the Request type for this command is. Extended response, the start_index. provides the starting index for the. requested elements of the associated. devices list
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class OnOff (0x0006/6)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

Attributes and commands for switching devices between ‘On’ and ‘Off’ states.

Data holders:

Cluster OnOff Set

Syntax: Set(value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_set(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send On (0x00/0) or Off (0x01/1)
Parameter value: New onOff state:. TRUE - send On command. FALSE - send Off command
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff Toggle

Syntax: Toggle(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_toggle(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Toggle (0x02/2)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff OffWithEffect

Syntax: OffWithEffect(effectId, effectVar, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_off_with_effect(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE effect_id, ZWBYTE effect_var, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send Off with Effect (0x40/64)
Parameter effectId: Effect Id:. 0x00 - Delayed All Off. 0x01 - Dying Light. 0x02...0xFF - Reserved
Parameter effectVar: Effect Variant:. if effect_id 0x00:. @default: 0x00. 0x00 - Fade to off in 0.8 seconds. 0x01 - No fade. 0x02 - 50% dim down in 0.8 seconds then fade to off in 12 seconds. 0x03...0xFF - Reserved. if effect_id 0x01:. @default: 0x00. 0x00 - 20% dim up in 0.5s then fade to off in 1 second. 0x01...0xFF - Reserved. if effect_id 0x02...0xFF:. 0x00...0xFF - Reserved
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff OnWithRecallGlobalScene

Syntax: OnWithRecallGlobalScene(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_on_with_recall_global_scene(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send On with Recall Global Scene (0x41/65)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff OnWithTimedOff

Syntax: OnWithTimedOff(control, onTime, offWaitTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_on_with_timed_off(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL control, ZWWORD on_time, ZWWORD off_wait_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Send On with Time Off (0x42/66)
Parameter control: Contains information on how the device is to be operated. 0x00 - The On With Timed Off command SHALL be processed unconditionally. 0x01...0x7F - Reserved. 0x80 - The On With Timed Off command SHALL only be accepted if the OnOff attribute is equal to 0x01. 0x81...0xFF - Reserved
Parameter onTime: The length of time (in 1/10ths second) that the device is to remain “on”. 0x0000...0xFFFE - time in 1/10th second. 0xFFFF - Reserved
Parameter offWaitTime: The length of time (in 1/10ths second) that the device SHALL remain “off”. 0x0000...0xFFFE - time in 1/10th second. 0xFFFF - Reserved
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff SetOnTime

Syntax: SetOnTime(onTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_set_on_time(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD on_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Time of On Time
Parameter onTime: The length of time (in 1/10ths second) that the device SHALL remain “off”. 0x0000...0xFFFE - time in 1/10th second. 0xFFFF - Reserved
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff SetOffWaitTime

Syntax: SetOffWaitTime(offWaitTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_set_off_wait_time(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD off_wait_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Time of On with Time Off
Parameter offWaitTime: The length of time (in 1/10ths second) that the device SHALL remain “off”. 0x0000...0xFFFE - time in 1/10th second. 0xFFFF - Reserved
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: On Off Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: On Off Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff SetOnOffReporting

Syntax: SetOnOffReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_set_on_off_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set On Off Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster OnOff ResetOnOffReporting

Syntax: ResetOnOffReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_on_off_reset_on_off_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set On Off Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class PollControl (0x0020/32)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster provides a mechanism for the management of an end device’s MAC Data Request rate. For the purposes of this cluster, the term “poll” always refers to the sending of a MAC Data Request from the end device to the end device’s parent.

Data holders:

Cluster PollControl FastPollStop

Syntax: FastPollStop(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_poll_control_fast_poll_stop(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Fast Poll Stop
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PollControl SetLongPollInterval

Syntax: SetLongPollInterval(newLongPollInterval, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_poll_control_set_long_poll_interval(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, int new_long_poll_interval, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Long Poll Interval
Parameter newLongPollInterval: New Long Poll Interval
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PollControl SetShortPollInterval

Syntax: SetShortPollInterval(newShortPollInterval, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_poll_control_set_short_poll_interval(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD new_short_poll_interval, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Short Poll Interval
Parameter newShortPollInterval: New Short Poll Interval
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PollControl ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_poll_control_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Poll Control Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Mgmt Permit Joining Request (0x0036/54)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req is generated from a Local Device requesting that. a remote device or devices allow or disallow association. The. Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req is generated by a management application or. commissioning tool which directs the request to a remote device(s) where the. NLME-PERMIT-JOINING.request is executed using the PermitDuration. parameter supplied by Mgmt_Permit_Joining_req. Additionally, if the remote. device is the Trust Center and TC_Significance is set to 1, the trust center. authentication policy will be affected. The addressing may be unicast or. ‘broadcast to all RxOnWhenIdle devices’.

Cluster MgmtPermitJoiningRequest Run

Syntax: Run(permitDuration, tcSignificance, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_mgmt_permit_joining_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE permit_duration, ZWBOOL tc_significance, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Mgmt Permit Joining Request
Parameter permitDuration: Permit duration in seconds
Parameter tcSignificance: Effect on Trust Center:. TRUE - If the remote device is the trust center, the command affects the trust center authentication policy. FALSE - There is no effect on the trust center
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Mgmt Leave Request (0x0034/52)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0000/0)

The Mgmt_Leave_req is generated from a Local Device requesting that a Remote. Device leave the network or to request that another device leave the network. The. Mgmt_Leave_req is generated by a management application which directs the. request to a Remote Device where the NLME-LEAVE.request is to be executed. using the parameter supplied by Mgmt_Leave_req.

Cluster MgmtLeaveRequest Run

Syntax: Run(removeChildren, rejoin, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_mgmt_leave_request(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL remove_children, ZWBOOL rejoin, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Mgmt Leave Request
Parameter removeChildren: Remove children flag:. TRUE - If the device being asked to leave the network is also being asked to remove its child devices, if any. FALSE - None children will be removed
Parameter rejoin: Effect on Trust Center:. TRUE - If the device being asked to leave from the current parent is requested to rejoin the network. FALSE - Otherwise
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster MgmtLeaveRequest ForceRemove

Syntax: ForceRemove(removeChildren = FALSE, rejoin = FALSE, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_mgmt_leave_request_force_remove(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL remove_children, ZWBOOL rejoin, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Force Remove
Parameter removeChildren: Remove children flag:. TRUE - If the device being asked to leave the network is also being asked to remove its child devices, if any. FALSE - None children will be removed
Parameter rejoin: Effect on Trust Center:. TRUE - If the device being asked to leave from the current parent is requested to rejoin the network. FALSE - Otherwise
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Basic (0x0000/0)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster supports an interface to the node or physical device. It provides attributes and commands for determining basic information,. setting user information such as location, and resetting to factory defaults. 0x00 - Unknown. 0x01 - Mains (single phase). 0x02 - Mains (3 phase). 0x03 - Battery. 0x04 - DC Source. 0x05 - Emergency mains constrants. 0x06 - Emergency mains and transfer switch. 0x00 - Unspecified environment. 0x01 - Mirror (ZSE Profile). 0x01 - Atrium. 0x02 - Bar. 0x03 - Courtyard. 0x04 - Bathroom. 0x05 - Bedroom. 0x06 - Billiard Room. 0x07 - Utility Room. 0x08 - Cellar. 0x09 - Storage Closet. 0x0a - Theater. 0x0b - Office. 0x0c - Deck. 0x0d - Den. 0x0e - Dining Room. 0x0f - Electrical Room. 0x10 - Elevator. 0x11 - Entry. 0x12 - Family Room. 0x13 - Main Floor. 0x14 - Upstairs. 0x15 - Downstairs. 0x16 - Basement/Lower Level. 0x17 - Gallery. 0x18 - Game Room. 0x19 - Garage. 0x1a - Gym. 0x1b - Hallway. 0x1c - House. 0x1d - Kitchen. 0x1e - Laundry Room. 0x1f - Library. 0x20 - Master Bedroom. 0x21 - Mud Room (small room for coats and boots). 0x22 - Nursery. 0x23 - Pantry. 0x24 - Office. 0x25 - Outside. 0x26 - Pool. 0x27 - Porch. 0x28 - Sewing Room. 0x29 - Sitting Room. 0x2a - Stairway. 0x2b - Yard. 0x2c - Attic. 0x2d - Hot Tub. 0x2e - Living Room. 0x2f - Sauna. 0x30 - Shop/Workshop. 0x31 - Guest Bedroom. 0x32 - Guest Bath. 0x33 - Powder Room (1/2 bath). 0x34 - Back Yard. 0x35 - Front Yard. 0x36 - Patio. 0x37 - Driveway. 0x38 - Sun Room. 0x39 - Living Room. 0x3a - Spa. 0x3b - Whirlpool. 0x3c - Shed. 0x3d - Equipment Storage. 0x3e - Hobby/Craft Room. 0x3f - Fountain. 0x40 - Pond. 0x41 - Reception Room. 0x42 - Breakfast Room. 0x43 - Nook. 0x44 - Garden. 0x45 - Balcony. 0x46 - Panic Room. 0x47 - Terrace. 0x48 - Roof. 0x49 - Toilet. 0x4a - Toilet Main. 0x4b - Outside Toilet. 0x4c - Shower room. 0x4d - Study. 0x4e - Front Garden. 0x4f - Back Garden. 0x50 - Kettle. 0x51 - Television. 0x52 - Stove. 0x53 - Microwave. 0x54 - Toaster. 0x55 - Vacuum. 0x56 - Appliance. 0x57 - Front Door. 0x58 - Back Door. 0x59 - Fridge Door. 0x60 - Medication Cabinet Door. 0x61 - Wardrobe Door. 0x62 - Front Cupboard Door. 0x63 - Other Door. 0x64 - Waiting Room. 0x65 - Triage Room. 0x66 - Doctor’s Office. 0x67 - Patient’s Private Room. 0x68 - Consultation Room. 0x69 - Nurse Station. 0x6a - Ward. 0x6b - Corridor. 0x6c - Operating Theatre. 0x6d - Dental Surgery Room. 0x6e - Medical Imaging Room. 0x6f - Decontamination Room. 0xff - Unknown environment. 0x00 - Disable. 0x01 - Enable. 0x00 - General hardware fault. 0x01 - General software fault. 0th bit. 0 - Reset (to factory defaults) enabled. 1 - Reset (to factory defaults) disabled. 1st bit. 0 - Device configuration enabled. 1 - Device configuration disabled.

Data holders:

Cluster Basic Reset

Syntax: Reset(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_basic_reset(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Basic Reset
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Basic ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_basic_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Power Configuration (0x0001/1)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

Attributes for determining detailed information about a device’s power source(s) and for configuring under/over voltage alarms.

Data holders:

Cluster PowerConfiguration SetBatteryPercentageRemainingReporting

Syntax: SetBatteryPercentageRemainingReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_configuration_set_battery_percentage_remaining_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Configuration Set Battery Percentage Remaining Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PowerConfiguration ResetBatteryPercentageRemainingReporting

Syntax: ResetBatteryPercentageRemainingReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_configuration_reset_battery_percentage_remaining_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Configuration Reset Battery Percentage Remaining Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PowerConfiguration SetBatteryPercentageRemaining2Reporting

Syntax: SetBatteryPercentageRemaining2Reporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_configuration_set_battery_percentage_remaining_2_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Configuration Set Battery Percentage Remaining 2 Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PowerConfiguration ResetBatteryPercentageRemaining2Reporting

Syntax: ResetBatteryPercentageRemaining2Reporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_configuration_reset_battery_percentage_remaining_2_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Configuration Reset Battery Percentage Remaining 2 Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PowerConfiguration SetBatteryPercentageRemaining3Reporting

Syntax: SetBatteryPercentageRemaining3Reporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_configuration_set_battery_percentage_remaining_3_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Configuration Set Battery Percentage Remaining 3 Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PowerConfiguration ResetBatteryPercentageRemaining3Reporting

Syntax: ResetBatteryPercentageRemaining3Reporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_power_configuration_reset_battery_percentage_remaining_3_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Power Configuration Reset Battery Percentage Remaining 3 Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Identify (0x0003/3)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

Attributes and commands to put a device into an Identification mode (e.g., flashing a light), that indicates to an observer – e.g., an installer - which of several devices it is, also to request any device that is identifying itself to respond to the initiator.

Data holders:

Cluster Identify Identify

Syntax: Identify(identifyTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_identify_identify(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD identify_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Identify Identify
Parameter identifyTime: Identify Time
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Identify IdentifyQuery

Syntax: IdentifyQuery(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_identify_identify_query(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Identify Identify Query
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Identify TriggerEffect

Syntax: TriggerEffect(effectId, effectVar = 0x00, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_identify_trigger_effect(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE effect_id, ZWBYTE effect_var, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Identify Trigger Effect
Parameter effectId: The Effect Identifier field specifies the identify effect to use:. 0x00 - Blink. e.g., Light is turned on/off once. 0x01 - Breathe. e.g., Light turned on/off over 1 second and repeated 15 times. 0x02 - Okay. e.g., Colored light turns green for 1 second; noncolored light flashes twice. 0x0b - Channel change. e.g., Colored light turns orange for 8 seconds; noncolored light switches to maximum brightness for 0.5s and then minimum brightness for 7.5s. 0xfe - Finish effect. Complete the current effect sequence before terminating. e.g., if in the middle of a breathe effect (as above), first complete the current 1s breathe effect and then terminate the effect. 0xff - Stop effect. Terminate the effect as soon as possible.
Parameter effectVar: Effect Variant:. 0x00 - Default
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Identify SetIdentifyTime

Syntax: SetIdentifyTime(identifyTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_identify_set_identify_time(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD identify_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Identify Set Identify Time
Parameter identifyTime: It specifies the remaining length of time, in seconds, that the device will continue to identify itself
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Identify Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_identify_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Identify Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Ias Zone (0x0500/1280)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The IAS Zone cluster defines an interface to the functionality of an IAS security zone device. IAS Zone supports up to two alarm types per zone, low battery reports and supervision of the IAS network. 0x00 - NotEnroll. 0x00...0xFE - The unique identifier of zone. 0xFF - Invalid zone identifier.

Data holders:

Cluster IasZone InitiateNormalOperationMode

Syntax: InitiateNormalOperationMode(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_ias_zone_initiate_normal_operation_mode(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: IAS Zone Initiate Normal Operation Mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster IasZone InitiateTestMode

Syntax: InitiateTestMode(testModeDuration, currentZoneSensivityLevel, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_ias_zone_initiate_test_mode(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE test_mode_duration, ZWBYTE current_zone_sensivity_level, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: IAS Zone Initiate Test Mode
Parameter testModeDuration: Specifies the duration, in seconds, for which the IAS Zone server SHALL operate in its test mode
Parameter currentZoneSensivityLevel: Specifies the sensitivity level the IAS Zone server SHALL use for the duration of the Test Mode and with which it must update its CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel attribute
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster IasZone Enroll

Syntax: Enroll(zoneId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_ias_zone_enroll(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE zone_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Enroll Device
Parameter zoneId: Zone Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster IasZone Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_ias_zone_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Ias Zone Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster IasZone ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_ias_zone_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Ias Zone Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Window Covering (0x0102/258)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The window covering cluster provides an interface for controlling and adjusting automatic window coverings such as drapery motors, automatic shades, and blinds.

Data holders:

Cluster WindowCovering UpOpen

Syntax: UpOpen(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_up_open(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Up Open
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering DownClose

Syntax: DownClose(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_down_close(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Down Close
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering Stop

Syntax: Stop(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_stop(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Stop
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering GoToLiftValue

Syntax: GoToLiftValue(liftValue, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_go_to_lift_value(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD lift_value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Go To Lift Value
Parameter liftValue: Lift Value
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering GoToLiftPercentage

Syntax: GoToLiftPercentage(percentageLiftValue, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_go_to_lift_percentage(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE percentage_lift_value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Go To Lift Value
Parameter percentageLiftValue: Lift Value Percentage
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering GoToTiltValue

Syntax: GoToTiltValue(tiltValue, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_go_to_tilt_value(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD tilt_value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Go To Lift Value
Parameter tiltValue: Tilt Value
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering GoToTiltPercentage

Syntax: GoToTiltPercentage(percentageTiltValue, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_go_to_tilt_percentage(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE percentage_tilt_value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Go To Lift Value
Parameter percentageTiltValue: Tilt Value Percentage
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering SetCurrentPositionLiftReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentPositionLiftReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_set_current_position_lift_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Set Current Possion Lift Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering ResetCurrentPositionLiftReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentPositionLiftReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_reset_current_position_lift_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Reset Current Position Lift Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering SetCurrentPositionTiltReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentPositionTiltReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_set_current_position_tilt_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Set Current Possion Tilt Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster WindowCovering ResetCurrentPositionTiltReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentPositionTiltReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_window_covering_reset_current_position_tilt_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Window Covering Reset Current Position Tilt Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Color Control (0x0300/768)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster provides an interface for changing the color of a light. Color is specified according to the Commission Internationale de l'Éclairage (CIE) specification CIE 1931 Color Space. Color control is carried out in terms of x,y values, as defined by this specification.

Data holders:

Cluster ColorControl MoveToHue

Syntax: MoveToHue(hue, direction, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_to_hue(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE hue, ZWBYTE direction, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move to Hue (0x00/0)
Parameter hue: Hue
Parameter direction: Direction:. 0x00 - Shortest distance. 0x01 - Longest distance. 0x02 - Up. 0x03 - Down.
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to move to the new hue
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveHue

Syntax: MoveHue(moveMode, rate, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_hue(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE move_mode, ZWBYTE rate, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move Hue (0x01/1)
Parameter moveMode: Move mode. 0x00 - Stop. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter rate: The Rate field specifies the rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change in the device’s hue of one unit. If the Rate field has a value of zero, the command has no effect and a default response command is sent in response, with the status code set to INVALID_FIELD
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl StepHue

Syntax: StepHue(stepMode, stepSize, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_step_hue(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE step_mode, ZWBYTE step_size, ZWBYTE transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Step Hue (0x02/2)
Parameter stepMode: Move mode. 0x00 - Reserved. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter stepSize: The change to be added to (or subtracted from) the current value of the device’s hue
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step. A step is a change in the device’s hue of ‘Step size’ units
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveToSaturation

Syntax: MoveToSaturation(saturation, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_to_saturation(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE saturation, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move to Saturation (0x03/3)
Parameter saturation: Desired Saturation
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveSaturation

Syntax: MoveSaturation(moveMode, rate, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_saturation(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE move_mode, ZWBYTE rate, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move Saturation (0x04/4)
Parameter moveMode: Move Mode. 0x00 - Stop. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter rate: The Rate field specifies the rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change in the device’s hue of one unit. If the Rate field has a value of zero, the command has no effect and a default response command is sent in response, with the status code set to INVALID_FIELD
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl StepSaturation

Syntax: StepSaturation(stepMode, stepSize, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_step_saturation(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE step_mode, ZWBYTE step_size, ZWBYTE transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Step Saturation (0x05/5)
Parameter stepMode: Move mode. 0x00 - Reserved. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter stepSize: The change to be added to (or subtracted from) the current value of the device’s saturation
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step. A step is a change in the device’s hue of ‘Step size’ units
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveToHueAndSaturation

Syntax: MoveToHueAndSaturation(hue, saturation, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_to_hue_and_saturation(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE hue, ZWBYTE saturation, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move to Hue and Saturation (0x06/6)
Parameter hue: Desired hue
Parameter saturation: Desired Saturation
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveToColor

Syntax: MoveToColor(colorX, colorY, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_to_color(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD color_x, ZWWORD color_y, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move to Color (0x07/7)
Parameter colorX: Desired Color X
Parameter colorY: Desired Color Y
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveColor

Syntax: MoveColor(rateX, rateY, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_color(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD rate_x, ZWWORD rate_y, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move Color (0x08/8)
Parameter rateX: The RateX field specifies the rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change in the device's CurrentX attribute of one unit
Parameter rateY: The RateY field specifies the rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change in the device's CurrentY attribute of one unit
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl StepColor

Syntax: StepColor(stepX, stepY, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_step_color(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD step_x, ZWWORD step_y, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Step Color (0x09/9)
Parameter stepX: The StepX fields specify the change to be added to the device's CurrentX attribute attribute
Parameter stepY: The StepY fields specify the change to be added to the device's CurrentY attribute attribute
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveToColorTemperature

Syntax: MoveToColorTemperature(colorTempMireds, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_to_color_temperature(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD color_temp_mireds, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Step Color (0x0A/10)
Parameter colorTempMireds: Move from its current color to the color given by the Color Temperature Mireds field
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl EnhanceMoveToHue

Syntax: EnhanceMoveToHue(enhancedHue, direction, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_enhance_move_to_hue(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD enhanced_hue, ZWBYTE direction, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Enhanced Move to Hue (0x40/64)
Parameter enhancedHue: Enhanced Hue
Parameter direction: Direction:. 0x00 - Shortest distance. 0x01 - Longest distance. 0x02 - Up. 0x03 - Down.
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to move to the new hue
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl EnhanceMoveHue

Syntax: EnhanceMoveHue(moveMode, rate, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_enhance_move_hue(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE move_mode, ZWWORD rate, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Enhanced Move Hue (0x41/65)
Parameter moveMode: Move mode. 0x00 - Stop. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter rate: The Rate field specifies the rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change in the device’s hue of one unit. If the Rate field has a value of zero, the command has no effect and a default response command is sent in response, with the status code set to INVALID_FIELD
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl EnhanceStepHue

Syntax: EnhanceStepHue(stepMode, stepSize, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_enhance_step_hue(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE step_mode, ZWWORD step_size, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Enhanced Step Hue (0x42/66)
Parameter stepMode: Move mode. 0x00 - Reserved. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter stepSize: The change to be added to (or subtracted from) the current value of the device’s hue
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step. A step is a change in the device’s hue of ‘Step size’ units
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl EnhanceMoveToHueAndSaturation

Syntax: EnhanceMoveToHueAndSaturation(enhancedHue, saturation, transitionTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_enhance_move_to_hue_and_saturation(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD enhanced_hue, ZWBYTE saturation, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Enhanced Move to Hue and Saturation (0x43/67)
Parameter enhancedHue: Desired Enhanced Hue
Parameter saturation: Desired Saturation
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field specifies, in 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl ColorLoopSet

Syntax: ColorLoopSet(updateFlags, action, direction, time, startHue, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_color_loop_set(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE update_flags, ZWBYTE action, ZWBYTE direction, ZWWORD time, ZWWORD start_hue, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Color Loop Set (0x44/68)
Parameter updateFlags: The Update Flags field is 8 bits in length and specifies which color loop attributes to update before the color loop is started
Parameter action: The Action field is 8 bits in length and specifies the action to take for the color loop if the Update Action sub-field of the Update Flags field is set to 1. 0x00 - De-activate the color loop. 0x01 - Activate the color loop from the value in the ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue field. 0x02 - Activate the color loop from the value of the EnhancedCurrentHue attribute
Parameter direction: The Direction field is 8 bits in length and specifies the direction for the color loop if the Update Direction field of the Update Flags field is set to 1. 0x00 - Decrement the hue in the color loop. 0x01 - Increment the hue in the color loop
Parameter time: The Time field is 16 bits in length and specifies the number of seconds over which to perform a full color loop if the Update Time field of the Update Flags field is set to 1
Parameter startHue: The Start Hue field is 16 bits in length and specifies the starting hue to use for the color loop if the Update Start Hue field of the Update Flags field is set to 1
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl StopMoveStep

Syntax: StopMoveStep(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_stop_move_step(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Stop Move Step (0x47/71)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl MoveColorTemperature

Syntax: MoveColorTemperature(moveMode, rate, colorTempMinMireds, colorTempMaxMireds, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_move_color_temperature(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE move_mode, ZWWORD rate, ZWWORD color_temp_min_mireds, ZWWORD color_temp_max_mireds, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move Color Temperature (0x4b/75)
Parameter moveMode: Move mode:. 0x00 - Stop. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter rate: The Rate field is 16-bits in length and specifies the rate of movement in steps per second. A step is a change in the color temperature of a device by one unit. If the Rate field has a value of zero, the command has no effect and a ZCL Default Response command SHALL be sent in response, with the status code set to INVALID_FIELD
Parameter colorTempMinMireds: The Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field is 16-bits in length and specifies a lower bound on the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute (an upper bound on the color temperature in kelvins) for the current move operation such that: ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds <= Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field <= ColorTemperatureMireds As such if the move operation takes the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute towards the value of the Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field it SHALL be clipped so that the above invariant is satisfied. If the Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field is set to 0x0000, ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds SHALL be used as the lower bound for the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute
Parameter colorTempMaxMireds: The Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field is 16-bits in length and specifies an upper bound on the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute (a lower bound on the color temperature in kelvins) for the current move operation such that: ColorTemperatureMireds <= Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field <= ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds As such if the move operation takes the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute towards the value of the Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field it SHALL be clipped so that the above invariant is satisfied. If the Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field is set to 0x0000, ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds SHALL be used as the upper bound for the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl StepColorTemperature

Syntax: StepColorTemperature(stepMode, stepSize, transitionTime, colorTempMinMireds, colorTempMaxMireds, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_step_color_temperature(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE step_mode, ZWWORD step_size, ZWWORD transition_time, ZWWORD color_temp_min_mireds, ZWWORD color_temp_max_mireds, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move Color Temperature (0x4c/76)
Parameter stepMode: Move mode:. 0x00 - Reserved. 0x01 - Up. 0x02 - Reserved. 0x03 - Down
Parameter stepSize: The Step Size field is 16-bits in length and specifies the change to be added to (or subtracted from) the current value of the device’s color temperature
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition Time field is 16-bits in length and specifies, in units of 1/10ths of a second, the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step. A step is a change to the device’s color temperature of a magnitude corresponding to the Step Size field
Parameter colorTempMinMireds: The Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field is 16-bits in length and specifies a lower bound on the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute (an upper bound on the color temperature in kelvins) for the current move operation such that: ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds <= Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field <= ColorTemperatureMireds As such if the move operation takes the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute towards the value of the Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field it SHALL be clipped so that the above invariant is satisfied. If the Color Temperature Minimum Mireds field is set to 0x0000, ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds SHALL be used as the lower bound for the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute
Parameter colorTempMaxMireds: The Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field is 16-bits in length and specifies an upper bound on the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute (a lower bound on the color temperature in kelvins) for the current move operation such that: ColorTemperatureMireds <= Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field <= ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds As such if the move operation takes the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute towards the value of the Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field it SHALL be clipped so that the above invariant is satisfied. If the Color Temperature Maximum Mireds field is set to 0x0000, ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds SHALL be used as the upper bound for the ColorTemperatureMireds attribute
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl GetHueSaturation

Syntax: GetHueSaturation(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_get_hue_saturation(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Color Control Get Hue, Saturation
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl GetColor

Syntax: GetColor(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_get_color(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Color Control Get Color
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl GetRemainingTime

Syntax: GetRemainingTime(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_get_remaining_time(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Color Control Get Remaining Time
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl SetCurrentHueReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentHueReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_set_current_hue_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Current Hue Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl ResetCurrentHueReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentHueReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_reset_current_hue_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Current Hue Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl SetCurrentSaturationReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentSaturationReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_set_current_saturation_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Current Saturation Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl ResetCurrentSaturationReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentSaturationReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_reset_current_saturation_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Current Saturation Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl SetCurrentXReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentXReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_set_current_x_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Current X Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl ResetCurrentXReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentXReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_reset_current_x_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Current X Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl SetCurrentYReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentYReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_set_current_y_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Current Y Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl ResetCurrentYReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentYReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_reset_current_y_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Current Y Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl SetColorTemperatureMiredsReporting

Syntax: SetColorTemperatureMiredsReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_set_color_temperature_mireds_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Color Temperature Mireds Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ColorControl ResetColorTemperatureMiredsReporting

Syntax: ResetColorTemperatureMiredsReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_color_control_reset_color_temperature_mireds_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Color Temperature Mireds Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Thermostat (0x0201/513)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster provides an interface to the functionality of a thermostat.

Data holders:

Cluster Thermostat SetpointRaiseLower

Syntax: SetpointRaiseLower(mode, amount, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_setpoint_raise_lower(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE mode, int amount, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Setpoint Raise/Lower (0x00/0)
Parameter mode: Mode:. 0x00 - Heat. 0x01 - Cool. 0x02 - Both
Parameter amount: Amount of setpoint
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat GetWeeklySchedule

Syntax: GetWeeklySchedule(daysToReturn, modeToReturn, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_get_weekly_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE days_to_return, ZWBYTE mode_to_return, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get weekly schedule (0x02/2)
Parameter daysToReturn: Days of week. 0th bit - Sunday. 1st bit - Monday. 2nd bit - Tuesday. 3rd bit - Wednesday. 4th bit - Thursday. 5th bit - Friday. 6th bit - Saturday. 7th bit - Away or Vacation
Parameter modeToReturn: Mode:. 0th bit - Heat Setpoint Field Present in Payload. 1st bit - Cool Setpoint Field Present in Payload
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat ClearWeeklySchedule

Syntax: ClearWeeklySchedule(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_clear_weekly_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear weekly schedule (0x03/3)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat GetRelayStatusLog

Syntax: GetRelayStatusLog(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_get_relay_status_log(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Relay Status Log (0x04/4)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetLocalTemperatureReporting

Syntax: SetLocalTemperatureReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_local_temperature_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set Local Temperature Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetPiCoolingDemandReporting

Syntax: SetPiCoolingDemandReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_pi_cooling_demand_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set PI Cooling Demand Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetPiHeatingDemandReporting

Syntax: SetPiHeatingDemandReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_pi_heating_demand_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set PI Heating Demand Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetOccupiedCoolingSetpointReporting

Syntax: SetOccupiedCoolingSetpointReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_occupied_cooling_setpoint_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set Occupied Cooling Setpoint Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetOccupiedHeatingSetpointReporting

Syntax: SetOccupiedHeatingSetpointReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_occupied_heating_setpoint_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set Occupied Heating Setpoint Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetSystemModeReporting

Syntax: SetSystemModeReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_system_mode_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set System Mode Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat StateGet

Syntax: StateGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_state_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat State Get. This command is used to get the current state of the thermostat (local temperature, heating setpoint, cooling setpoint, system mode, running state)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetMode

Syntax: SetMode(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_mode(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE mode, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set System Mode
Parameter mode: Desired system mode between 0x00 (SYSTEM_MODE_OFF) and 0x09 (SYSTEM_MODE_SLEEP)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetHeatSetpoint

Syntax: SetHeatSetpoint(value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_heat_setpoint(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, float value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set Occupied Heating Setpoint
Parameter value: Desired heating setpoint temperature in float between [-327.67, 327.67]
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Thermostat SetCoolSetpoint

Syntax: SetCoolSetpoint(value, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_set_cool_setpoint(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, float value, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat Set Occupied Cooling Setpoint
Parameter value: Desired cooling setpoint temperature in float between [-327.67, 327.67]
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class FanControl (0x0202/514)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster specifies an interface to control the speed of a fan as part of a heating / cooling system.

Data holders:

Cluster FanControl SetFanMode

Syntax: SetFanMode(fanMode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_fan_control_set_fan_mode(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE fan_mode, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Fan Mode
Parameter fanMode: Fan Mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster FanControl SetFanModeSequence

Syntax: SetFanModeSequence(fanModeSequence, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_fan_control_set_fan_mode_sequence(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE fan_mode_sequence, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Fan Mode Sequence
Parameter fanModeSequence: Fan Mode Sequence
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Thermostat User Interface (0x0204/516)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster provides an interface to allow configuration of the user interface for a thermostat, or a thermostat controller device, that supports a keypad and LCD screen.

Data holders:

Cluster ThermostatUserInterface SetTemperatureDisplayMode

Syntax: SetTemperatureDisplayMode(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_user_interface_set_temperature_display_mode(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD mode, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Temperature Display Mode
Parameter mode: Mode of displaying temperature
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ThermostatUserInterface SetKeypadLockout

Syntax: SetKeypadLockout(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_user_interface_set_keypad_lockout(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE mode, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat User Information Set Keypad Lockout
Parameter mode: Mode of keypad lock
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ThermostatUserInterface SetScheduleProgrammingVisibility

Syntax: SetScheduleProgrammingVisibility(mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_thermostat_user_interface_set_schedule_programming_visibility(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL mode, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Thermostat User Information Set Schedule Programming Visibility
Parameter mode: Mode of keypad lock
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Level Control (0x0008/8)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster provides an interface for controlling a characteristic of a device that can be set to a level, for example the brightness of a light, the degree of closure of a door, or the power output of a heater.

Data holders:

Cluster LevelControl MoveToLevel

Syntax: MoveToLevel(level, transitionTime = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_move_to_level(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE level, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move to Level (0x00/0)
Parameter level: Device dependent level
Parameter transitionTime: Transition time
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl Move

Syntax: Move(moveMode, rate = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_move(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE move_mode, ZWBYTE rate, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move (0x01/1)
Parameter moveMode: Move mode:. 0x00 - Up. 0x01 - Down
Parameter rate: The Rate field specifies the rate of movement in units per second:. 0x00...0xFE - used value. 0xFF - used value from DefaultMoveRate
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl Step

Syntax: Step(stepMode, stepSize, transitionTime = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_step(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE step_mode, ZWBYTE step_size, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Step (0x02/2)
Parameter stepMode: Move mode:. 0x00 - Up. 0x01 - Down
Parameter stepSize: Step size
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition time field specifies the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step, in tenths of a second
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl Stop

Syntax: Stop(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_stop(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Stop (0x03/3)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl MoveToLevelOnOff

Syntax: MoveToLevelOnOff(level, transitionTime = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_move_to_level_on_off(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE level, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move to Level (with On/Off) (0x04/4)
Parameter level: Device dependent level
Parameter transitionTime: Transition time
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl MoveOnOff

Syntax: MoveOnOff(moveMode, rate = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_move_on_off(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE move_mode, ZWBYTE rate, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Move (with On/Off) (0x05/5)
Parameter moveMode: Move mode:. 0x00 - Up. 0x01 - Down
Parameter rate: The Rate field specifies the rate of movement in units per second:. 0x00...0xFE - used value. 0xFF - used value from DefaultMoveRate
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl StepOnOff

Syntax: StepOnOff(stepMode, stepSize, transitionTime = 0, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_step_on_off(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE step_mode, ZWBYTE step_size, ZWWORD transition_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Step (with On/Off) (0x06/6)
Parameter stepMode: Move mode:. 0x00 - Up. 0x01 - Down
Parameter stepSize: Step size
Parameter transitionTime: The Transition time field specifies the time that SHALL be taken to perform the step, in tenths of a second
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl StopOnOff

Syntax: StopOnOff(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_stop_on_off(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Stop (with On/Off) (0x07/7)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl Get

Syntax: Get(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Level Control Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Level Control Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl SetCurrentLevelReporting

Syntax: SetCurrentLevelReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_set_current_level_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Current Level Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster LevelControl ResetCurrentLevelReporting

Syntax: ResetCurrentLevelReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_level_control_reset_current_level_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Current Level Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Door Lock (0x0101/257)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The door lock cluster provides an interface to a generic way to secure a door. The physical object that provides the locking functionality is abstracted from the cluster. The cluster has a small list of mandatory attributes and functions and a list of optional features. 0th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific keypad operation event. 1st bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x01 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: keypad. 2nd bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x02 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: keypad. 3rd bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x03 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: keypad, error: invalid PIN. 4th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x04 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: keypad, error: invalid schedule. 5th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x05 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: keypad, error: invalid code. 6th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x06 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: keypad, error: invalid schedule. 7th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x0F (Operation Event Code) Non-Access User operation event, source keypad. 0th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific RF operation event. 1st bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x01 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: RF. 2nd bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x02 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: RF. 3rd bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x03 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: RF, error: invalid code. 4th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x04 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: RF, error: invalid schedule. 5th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x05 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: RF, error: invalid code. 6th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x06 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: RF, error: invalid schedule. 0th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific manual operation event. 1st bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x01 (Operation Event Code) Thumbturn Lock. 2nd bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x02 (Operation Event Code) Thumbturn Unlock. 3rd bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x07 (Operation Event Code) One touch lock. 4th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x08 (Operation Event Code) Key Lock. 5th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x09 (Operation Event Code) Key Unlock. 6th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x0A (Operation Event Code) Auto lock. 7th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x0B (Operation Event Code) Schedule Lock. 8th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x0C (Operation Event Code) Schedule Unlock. 9th bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x0D (Operation Event Code) Manual Lock (Key or Thumbturn). 1st bit - 0x02 (Event Source) 0x0E (Operation Event Code) ) Manual Unlock (Key or Thumbturn). 0rd bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific keypad operation even. 1th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x01 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: RFID. 2th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x02 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: RFID. 3th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x03 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: RFID, error: invalid RFID ID. 4th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x04 (Operation Event Code) Lock, source: RFID, error: invalid schedule. 5th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x05 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: RFID, error: invalid RFID ID. 6th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x06 (Operation Event Code) Unlock, source: RFID, error: invalid schedule. 0th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific keypad programming event. 1th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x01 (Operation Event Code) Master code changed, source: keypad User ID: master user ID. PIN: default or master code if codes can be sent over the air per attribute. User type: default User Status: default. 2th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x02 (Operation Event Code) PIN added, source: keypad User ID: user ID that was added. PIN: code that was added (if codes can be sent over the air per attribute.) User type: default or type added. User Status: default or status added. 3th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x03 (Operation Event Code) PIN deleted, source: keypad User ID: user ID that was deleted. PIN: code that was deleted (if codes can be sent over the air per attribute.) User type: default or type deleted. User Status: default or status deleted. 4th bit - 0x00 (Event Source) 0x04 (Operation Event Code) PIN changed Source: keypad User ID: user ID that was changed PIN: code that was changed (if codes can be sent over the air per attribute.) User type: default or type changed. User Status: default or status changed. 0th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific RF programming event. 2th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x02 (Operation Event Code) PIN added, source RF Same as keypad source above. 3th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x03 (Operation Event Code) PIN deleted, source RF Same as keypad source above. 4th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x04 (Operation Event Code) PIN changed Source RF Same as keypad source above. 5th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x05 (Operation Event Code) RFID code added, Source RF. 6th bit - 0x01 (Event Source) 0x06 (Operation Event Code) RFID code deleted, Source RF. 0th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x00 (Operation Event Code) Unknown or manufacturer-specific keypad programming event. 5th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x05 (Operation Event Code) ID Added, Source: RFID User ID: user ID that was added. ID: ID that was added (if codes can be sent over the air per at- tribute.) User Type: default or type added. User Status: default or status added. 6th bit - 0x03 (Event Source) 0x06 (Operation Event Code) ID Deleted, Source: RFID User ID: user ID that was deleted. ID: ID that was deleted (if codes can be sent over the air per attribute.) User Type: default or type deleted. User Status: default or status deleted.

Data holders:

Cluster DoorLock LockDoor

Syntax: LockDoor(code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_lock_door(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE size, const ZWBYTE * code, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Lock Door (0x00/0)
Parameter code: Pin Code
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock UnlockDoor

Syntax: UnlockDoor(code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_unlock_door(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE size, const ZWBYTE * code, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Unlock Door (0x01/1)
Parameter code: Pin Code
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock Toggle

Syntax: Toggle(code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_toggle(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE size, const ZWBYTE * code, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Toggle (0x02/2)
Parameter code: Pin Code
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock UnlockWithTimeout

Syntax: UnlockWithTimeout(timeout, code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_unlock_with_timeout(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD timeout, ZWBYTE size, const ZWBYTE * code, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Unlock with Timeout (0x03/3)
Parameter timeout: Relock Timeout
Parameter code: Pin Code
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetLogRecord

Syntax: GetLogRecord(logIndex, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_log_record(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD log_index, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Log Record (0x04/4)
Parameter logIndex: Log Entry Index
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetPinCode

Syntax: SetPinCode(userId, userStatus, userType, pin, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_pin_code(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZWBYTE user_status, ZWBYTE user_type, ZWBYTE size, const ZWBYTE * pin, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set PIN Code (0x05/5)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter userStatus: User Status
Parameter userType: User Type
Parameter pin: Pin Code
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetPinCode

Syntax: GetPinCode(userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_pin_code(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get PIN Code (0x06/6)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearPinCode

Syntax: ClearPinCode(userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_pin_code(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear PIN Code (0x07/7)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearAllPinCodes

Syntax: ClearAllPinCodes(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_all_pin_codes(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear All PIN Codes (0x08/8)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetUserStatus

Syntax: SetUserStatus(userId, userType, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_user_status(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZWBYTE user_type, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set User Status (0x09/9)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter userType: User Type
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetUserStatus

Syntax: GetUserStatus(userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_user_status(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get User Status (0x0A/10)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetWeekdaySchedule

Syntax: SetWeekdaySchedule(id, userId, days, startHour, startMinute, endHour, endMinute, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_weekday_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZWWORD user_id, ZWBYTE days, ZWBYTE start_hour, ZWBYTE start_minute, ZWBYTE end_hour, ZWBYTE end_minute, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Weekday Schedule (0x0B/11)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter userId: User Type
Parameter days: Days Mask
Parameter startHour: Start Hour
Parameter startMinute: Start Minute
Parameter endHour: End Hour
Parameter endMinute: End Minute
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetWeekdaySchedule

Syntax: GetWeekdaySchedule(id, userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_weekday_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Weekday Schedule (0x0C/12)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearWeekdaySchedule

Syntax: ClearWeekdaySchedule(id, userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_weekday_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear Weekday Schedule (0x0D/13)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetYearDaySchedule

Syntax: SetYearDaySchedule(id, userId, startTime, endTime, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_year_day_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZWWORD user_id, unsigned int start_time, unsigned int end_time, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Year Day Schedule (0x0E/14)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter userId: User Type
Parameter startTime: Start Time
Parameter endTime: Start Minute
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetYearDaySchedule

Syntax: GetYearDaySchedule(id, userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_year_day_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Year Day Schedule (0x0F/15)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearYearDaySchedule

Syntax: ClearYearDaySchedule(id, userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_year_day_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear Year Day Schedule (0x10/16)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetHolidaySchedule

Syntax: SetHolidaySchedule(id, startTime, endTime, mode, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_holiday_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, unsigned int start_time, unsigned int end_time, ZWBYTE mode, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Holiday Schedule (0x11/17)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter startTime: Start Time
Parameter endTime: Start Minute
Parameter mode: Operating Mode During Holiday
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetHolidaySchedule

Syntax: GetHolidaySchedule(id, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_holiday_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Holiday Schedule (0x12/18)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearHolidaySchedule

Syntax: ClearHolidaySchedule(id, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_holiday_schedule(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear Holiday Schedule (0x13/19)
Parameter id: Schedule Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetUserType

Syntax: SetUserType(userId, userType, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_user_type(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZWBYTE user_type, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set User Type (0x14/20)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter userType: User Type
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetUserType

Syntax: GetUserType(userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_user_type(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get User Status (0x15/21)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock SetRfidCode

Syntax: SetRfidCode(userId, userStatus, userType, code, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_set_rfid_code(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZWBYTE user_status, ZWBYTE user_type, ZWBYTE size, const ZWBYTE * code, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set RFID Code (0x16/22)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter userStatus: User Status
Parameter userType: User Type
Parameter code: RFID Code
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetRfidCode

Syntax: GetRfidCode(userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_rfid_code(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get RFID Code (0x17/23)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearRfidCode

Syntax: ClearRfidCode(userId, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_rfid_code(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD user_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear RFID Code (0x18/24)
Parameter userId: User Identifier
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ClearAllRfidCodes

Syntax: ClearAllRfidCodes(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_clear_all_rfid_codes(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Clear All RFID Code (0x19/25)
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock GetState

Syntax: GetState(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_get_state(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Color Control Get State
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster DoorLock ConfigurationGet

Syntax: ConfigurationGet(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_door_lock_configuration_get(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Color Control Configuration Get
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class IlluminanceMeasurement (0x0400/1024)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The cluster provides an interface to temperature measurement functionality, including configuration and provision of notifications of temperature measurements. 0x00 Photodiode. 0x01 CMOS. 0x40 – 0xfe Reserved for manufacturer specific light sensor types. 0xff Unknown.

Data holders:

Cluster IlluminanceMeasurement SetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: SetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_illuminance_measurement_set_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster IlluminanceMeasurement ResetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: ResetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_illuminance_measurement_reset_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class TemperatureMeasurement (0x0402/1026)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The cluster provides an interface to temperature measurement functionality, including configuration and provision of notifications of temperature measurements.

Data holders:

Cluster TemperatureMeasurement SetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: SetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_temperature_measurement_set_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster TemperatureMeasurement ResetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: ResetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_temperature_measurement_reset_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster TemperatureMeasurement SetToleranceReporting

Syntax: SetToleranceReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_temperature_measurement_set_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster TemperatureMeasurement ResetToleranceReporting

Syntax: ResetToleranceReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_temperature_measurement_reset_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class PressureMeasurement (0x0403/1027)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The cluster provides an interface to pressure measurement functionality, including configuration and provision of notifications of pressure measurements.

Data holders:

Cluster PressureMeasurement SetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: SetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_set_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement ResetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: ResetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_reset_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement SetToleranceReporting

Syntax: SetToleranceReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_set_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement ResetToleranceReporting

Syntax: ResetToleranceReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_reset_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement SetScaledValueReporting

Syntax: SetScaledValueReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_set_scaled_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Scaled Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement ResetScaledValueReporting

Syntax: ResetScaledValueReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_reset_scaled_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Scaled Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement SetScaledToleranceReporting

Syntax: SetScaledToleranceReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_set_scaled_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Scaled Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster PressureMeasurement ResetScaledToleranceReporting

Syntax: ResetScaledToleranceReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_pressure_measurement_reset_scaled_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Scaled Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class RelativeHumidityMeasurement (0x0405/1029)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The cluster provides an interface to relative humidity measurement functionality, including configuration and provision of notifications of temperature measurements.

Data holders:

Cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement SetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: SetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_relative_humidity_measurement_set_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement ResetMeasuredValueReporting

Syntax: ResetMeasuredValueReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_relative_humidity_measurement_reset_measured_value_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Measured Value Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement SetToleranceReporting

Syntax: SetToleranceReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_relative_humidity_measurement_set_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWWORD threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement ResetToleranceReporting

Syntax: ResetToleranceReporting(direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_relative_humidity_measurement_reset_tolerance_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Reset Tolerance Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class OccupancySensing (0x0406/1030)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The server cluster provides an interface to occupancy sensing functionality, including configuration and provision of notifications of occupancy status.

Data holders:

Cluster OccupancySensing SetOccupancyReporting

Syntax: SetOccupancyReporting(direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_occupancy_sensing_set_occupancy_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Occupancy Reporting
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class Metering (0x0702/1794)

Profile ZigBee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

The Metering Cluster provides a mechanism to retrieve usage information from Electric, Gas, Water, and potentially Thermal metering devices. These devices can operate on either battery or mains power, and can have a wide variety of sophistication. The Metering Cluster is designed to provide flexibility while limiting capabilities to a set number of metered information types. More advanced forms or data sets from metering devices will be supported in the Smart Energy Tunneling Cluster. The following figures identify three configurations as examples utilizing the Metering Cluster.

Data holders:

Cluster Metering GetProfile

Syntax: GetProfile(intervalChannel, endTime, numberOfPeriods, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_metering_get_profile(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE interval_channel, int end_time, ZWBYTE number_of_periods, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Profile
Parameter intervalChannel: Interval Channel
Parameter endTime: End Time
Parameter numberOfPeriods: Number Of Periods
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Metering RequestFastPollMode

Syntax: RequestFastPollMode(fastPollUpdatePeriod, duration, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_metering_request_fast_poll_mode(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWBYTE fast_poll_update_period, ZWBYTE duration, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Request Fast Poll Mode
Parameter fastPollUpdatePeriod: Fast Poll Update Period
Parameter duration: Duration
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Metering RequestMirror

Syntax: RequestMirror(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_metering_request_mirror(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Request Mirror
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Metering RemoveMirror

Syntax: RemoveMirror(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_metering_remove_mirror(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Request Fast Poll Mode
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Metering SetAttrReporting

Syntax: SetAttrReporting(attrId, direction, minInterval, maxInterval, timeout, threshold, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_metering_set_attr_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD attr_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZWWORD min_interval, ZWWORD max_interval, ZWWORD timeout, ZWDWORD64 threshold, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Attribute Reporting
Parameter attrId: Attribute Id
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter minInterval: Minimal Reporting Interval
Parameter maxInterval: Maximum Reporting Interval
Parameter timeout: Timeout
Parameter threshold: Threshold
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Metering ResetAttrReporting

Syntax: ResetAttrReporting(attrId, direction, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_metering_reset_attr_reporting(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD attr_id, ZWBOOL direction, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Set Attribute Reporting
Parameter attrId: Attribute Id
Parameter direction: TRUE - receiver will be configured to receiver reports. FALSE - receiver will be configured to send reports
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster Class ElectricalMeasurement (0x0B04/2820)

Profile Zigbee Device Profile (0x0104/260)

This cluster provides a mechanism for querying data about the electrical properties as measured by the device. This cluster may be implemented on any device type and be implemented on a per-endpoint basis. For example, a power strip device could represent each outlet on a different endpoint and report electrical information for each individual outlet. The only caveat is that if you implement an attribute that has an associated multiplier and divisor, then you must implement the associated multiplier and divisor attributes. For example if you implement DCVoltage, you must also implement DCVoltageMultiplier and DCVoltageDivisor. If you are interested in reading information about the power supply or battery level on the device, please see the Power Configuration cluster.

Data holders:

Cluster ElectricalMeasurement GetProfileInfoCommand

Syntax: GetProfileInfoCommand(successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_electrical_measurement_get_profile_info_command(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Profile Info Command
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed

Cluster ElectricalMeasurement GetMeasurementProfileCommand

Syntax: GetMeasurementProfileCommand(attrId, startTime, numOfIntervals, successCallback = NULL, failureCallback = NULL)
C Syntax: ZWError zbee_cc_electrical_measurement_get_measurement_profile_command(ZBee zbee, ZBNWK node_id, ZEndPoint endpoint_id, ZWWORD attr_id, ZWBYTE start_time, ZWBYTE num_of_intervals, ZBJobCustomCallback successCallback, ZBJobCustomCallback failureCallback, void* callbackArg)
Description: Get Measurement Profile Command
Parameter attrId: Attribute Id
Parameter startTime: Start Time
Parameter numOfIntervals: Number of Intervals
Parameter successCallback: Custom function to be called on function success. NULL if callback is not needed
Parameter failureCallback: Custom function to be called on function failure. NULL if callback is not needed