Z-Uno & RaZberry are available at Amazon Europe now!
We are pleased to inform that our products are available at Amazon Europe now! Fulfilled by Amazon.
Z-Uno -
RaZberry 7 -
RaZberry 7 Pro -

Z-Way integration with Google Assistant
Doubtless voice assistants are most favourite among other smart home devices.
Z-Way has an integration with Google Assistant. Here's the instructions ho to connect Hey Google to Z-Way.

RaZberry 7 has a native integration with Home Assistant
RaZberry is popular among Home Assistant owners because of its stability and Z-Way expert interface. Z-Way is our Z-Wave server software. It goes with RaZberry 7, no extra fee is required. It has an MQTT-broker, and the ability to upgrade a device firmware.
If a Home Assistant owner has a Raspberry Pi, he installs Z-Way and integrates it with Home Assistant. It adds a Z-Wave to a Home Assistant.
The integration is simple:

RaZberry 7 is the first certified Z-Wave Long Range controller!
RaZberry 7 is a daughter card for a Raspberry Pi, equipped with Z-Wave radio.
It is compatible with ecosystems HomeKit, Siri, Google Assistant.
With RaZberry 7 you can assemble a Z-Wave Long Range hub and test a 1-mile transmission!
The Z-Wave Long Range also widened the maximum number of devices in a Z-Wave network up to 4000 units.

That’s a choice either of a true geek and of a professional Z-Wave installer.
Geeks would like to run it with open software like Home Assistant, OpenHAB, Domoticz, OpenZwave, FHEM and hundreds of others via MQTT and IFTTT. Professional installers prefer advanced diagnostic & network statistics tools, including Z-Wave sniffer.
RaZberry 7 can be your primary controller or a secondary controller to perform network diagnostics, firmware update of Z-Wave devices and other advanced tasks.
The RaZberry 7 Pro version with the best in class external antenna designed in the US by Linx Technologies provides the widest range available on the market.
RaZberry 7 gives you the feeling of full control over your Z-Wave network. You can even tune transmit power. It supports all the modern features of the Z-Wave protocol, such as Z-Wave Plus V2, Security S2, Smart Start and Long Range. And yes, it’s built on the 7th generation Z-Wave chips by Silicon Labs.
P.S.: We are preparing the installer guide on how to make use of advanced diagnostics features. Many installers already save time and costs with it.
Video from the Z-Wave.Me & Wiren Board booth at ISE 2022
A short video from the Z-Wave.Me & Wiren Board booth for those who were not at the ISE 2022
Z-Wave.Me at Integrated Systems Europe
Z-Wave.Me and Wirenboard will be exhibiting at Integrated Systems Europe 2022. Welcome to our booth 2P110 from 10-13 of May!